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Norton Canes Xmas Fayre

Norton Canes Xmas Fayre


SI Cannock members enjoyed a very festive afternoon at the Norton Canes Community Centre Christmas Fayre on 5th December. Members chatted with fayre-goers about why they love being part of SI Cannock and the work they do for charities; including local domestic violence charity The Pathways Project. At the fayre, members sold Magical Reindeer Food to support Pathways and raised a total of £45 to buy gifts for children who will be spending Christmas in a domestic violence refuge. Children who bought the Magical Reindeer Food were thrilled to be able to help children less fortunate than themselves as well as being excited at being able to provide such sustenance for Santa’s reindeer! Service work lies at the heart of the club’s goals and they are committed to raising awareness of issues relevant to women and girls around the world – issues such as domestic

Midland Chase Change of Insignia

Midland Chase Change of Insignia


Over 100 Soroptimists of Midland Chase Region and their guests attended the Chase Golf Club last week to see Alyson Green of SI Walsall installed as their Regional President 2015-2016. The Change of Insignia event is an opportunity for Soroptimists in the area to congratulate and welcome their new President and her officers. Outgoing President Carol Bailey of SI Wolverhampton passed on the chain of office and she, in turn, received her Immediate Past President’s badge and a gift from members along with thanks for her leadership over the previous year. Regional President Alyson’s theme for the year is: Sustainability – our goal for the 21st Century. In her inaugural address she explained that we are all, in many walks of life, required to change and this is true in many organisations, including SI. However, if we don’t build sustainability into any change then we

SI Cannock Christmas Activities

SI Cannock Christmas Activities


Cannock & District Soroptimists will be involved in activities leading up to Christmas which aim at making life a little bit easier for some of those in need. Locally, they will be cooking and helping to fund a full Christmas meal with all the trimmings at the Soup Kitchen, in Mill Street; a meal which is enjoyed by over 50 people who would not otherwise have a hot meal – for some, it may be the only full meal they get that week. The meal is accompanied by crackers, music and smiles and is always a very happy occasion – with lots of clean plates! They will also continue their support of the Pathway Project, in particular the refuge for women victims of domestic violence – many of the women are there with their children. Members of SI provide gifts for the women and the

Obituary Notice – Dora Leighton

Obituary Notice – Dora Leighton


It is with great sadness that Cannock Soroptimists – and indeed Soroptimists elsewhere in the Region and abroad – mourn the passing of their much loved Dora in her 100th year. Dora Leighton, nee Richards, was known, loved and admired by so many people in the local area and beyond. She was born in Bridgtown, married a local man, Jim Leighton and brought up her family there. She was a teacher of dance, travelling to youth clubs throughout Staffordshire; so many Cannock people were taught to dance by Dora. Even when she stopped teaching she continued to do her dance exercises regularly. In her early 90s she was still able to do the splits: though she said she had to do them at the side of the bed so that she had something to hold onto to get her up! She was most upset with

International Evening

International Evening


SI is a world-wide organisation proud of its links overseas and the International aspect of its work. The Cannock club this year centred the theme of its Annual International Night on Australia. President Lynne Tuckley welcomed 70 members and guests, including Regional President Carol Bailey, attending the last formal engagement of her year. The club received greetings from its friendship link club in Perth, W. Australia: one of their members, Past International President of SI Margaret Lobo visited Cannock in the summer. After a meal at the Barns Restaurant members enjoyed a very lively and informative presentation from Dianne Mannering. She talked about the lives and adventures of some of the convicted felons – male and female- who endured a harsh and dangerous voyage resulting in the colonisation of Australia, although originally the transportation had been undertaken to relieve overcrowding of prisons in 18c and

Very Sad News

Very Sad News


It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing in her 100th year of our Honorary Member, the lovely Dora Leighton, on Wednesday evening after a short stay in hospital. She will be greatly missed. But I am many of us have some lovely memories of her humour, resilience and delightful character. The following message sent to all clubs in SI Midland Chase from  Region President Carol Bailey says it all really: The most senior member of SI Midland Chase, Dora Leighton (SI Cannock), passed away peacefully on October 7th in her 100th year. Dora was an active Soroptimist until the end. We will have fond memories of her as she was intellectually astute and always remained interested in Soroptimist matters, giving us the benefit of her wisdom. She will be sadly missed. Kind regards CarolBailey Regional President SIMC

October Speaker Meeting

October Speaker Meeting


President Lynne Tuckley, SI Cannock, welcomed everyone to the October meeting when members enjoyed a fun evening with East Staffordshire speaker Pat Hall who entertained with her talk called ‘Isn’t Life Funny’. She interspersed funny tales and anecdotes from various speaking engagements with her own hilarious poems and had the audience in fits of laughter throughout. SI Cannock is now looking forward to their annual International Evening which this year has an Australian theme. Guests are welcome on Tuesday October 20th at The Barns, Cocksparrow Lane where the well known speaker, Dianne Mannering is going to talk about the early settlers in Australia who petitioned the British Government to ‘Send Us Some Women’. Tickets cost £18.50 and are available by phoning 07971 494510. A special guest that evening will be Carol Bailey, Region President of SI Midland Chase and a member of SI Wolverhampton –

SI Cannock’s Membership Meeting

SI Cannock’s Membership Meeting


Carol Bailey, Region President of SI Midland Chase visited Cannock Soroptimists to tell them about the recent International conference held in Istanbul which she had attended as their representative. One of the things she had particularly enjoyed was the opportunity to meet with members of SI from all over the world, seeing and hearing at first hand the wonderful projects being undertaken to enable, educate and empower women and girls on all of our continents. The SI theme for the next four years was confirmed as ‘Educate to Lead’. An important item on the agenda was information on the White Ribbon Campaign which has been running for over 20 years and with which Cannock Soroptimists have been actively involved. This is the campaign to engage men in action to stop domestic violence and to encourage gender equality in the workplace – women cannot do either

September Speaker Meeting

September Speaker Meeting


Many guests joined members of SI Cannock at their September speaker meeting, one of those guests being David Clay who had been invited along to celebrate his retirement as Restaurant Manager of The Barns. President Lynne Tuckley described David as “our honorary Soroptimister!” David had hosted our meetings and greeted everyone by name and with their favourite drink for the last 10 years. His presence had provided a warm and efficient welcome that will be greatly missed. He lit the Friendship Candle and told everyone how much he appreciated their friendship over the years and their good wishes on his retirement. The speaker was Cannock artist and embroiderer Sylvia Everitt who spoke about and showed slides of her Cannock Millennium Embroideries. She explained that The Bayeux Tapestry was the inspiration for her 11 panels depicting the main historical events, products, people and properties of Staffordshire

Coffee Morning for St Giles Hospice

Coffee Morning for St Giles Hospice


One of the charities President of Soroptimist International of Cannock & District Lynne Tuckley has chosen to support this year is St Giles Hospice; she has asked Cannock Friends of St Giles to be involved in events and all monies raised for the Hospice will be donated through the Friends’ group. A well attended coffee morning was held at the home of Soroptimist Jenny Holmes: there was a bring & buy stall; a raffle; scarves and Christmas cards were on sale -and of course, delicious homemade cakes and scones to enjoy! The weather was kind and people were able to enjoy sitting out in the garden to enjoy their coffee and cakes. Members, friends and neighbours went along as did Amanda Milling MP who is a great supporter of SI and of St Giles. There was a super atmosphere and a great buzz of conversation