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New Member

New Member


At their July business meeting President Janis Lomas was delighted to welcome new member Val Burdon as a member of SI Cannock & District.  Val got in touch with the Club after reading articles about them in the local paper; she felt that she would like to join them in working to enable, empower and educate women and girls both locally and worldwide.  Val has already been involved with the club in some of the work they do to support Pathway and Women’s Aid and the BIG – Birthing in the Gambia – project, and told members that she is looking forward to working with them in the future as well as enjoying their friendship. This is Cannock Soroptimists’ Diamond year, the first meeting was held in 1954 at the Gas Showrooms in Cannock.  Throughout this year President Janis, an historian, is telling club members

SIGBI Day of Action

SIGBI Day of Action


We held a coffee morning at the home of one of our members, Shirley Brown.  Of course, we’d hoped for a sunny morning in the garden but the torrential rain put a stop to that!  Nevertheless, members, friends and guests came along to join us during the morning and there always seemed to be a house full.  Through ticket sales, a raffle, bring and buy and lots of fun and laughter we raised £200 for the BIG project. SI Cannock & District is delighted to have been able to join in with the Day of Action. Two photos are attached – one shows members and friends [President Dr Janis Lomas seated, front; Soroptimist Shirley Brown standing, left] drinking coffee and admiring the cakes, the other shows Soroptimists June Bould and Jenny Holmes hard at work!!  

Summer Celebration at Ingestre Hall

Summer Celebration at Ingestre Hall


A beautiful summer’s day and the gorgeous building and grounds of Ingestre Hall provided the setting for Cannock Soroptimists’ 60th Anniversary Year Summer Celebration. Members and guests enjoyed Kir Royale while they took in the gardens.  They then went into the Hall which was set for afternoon tea to be entertained by Notty Hornblower of the Costume Museum in Derby.  Five models – four ladies and one man – modelled clothes which would have been worn over the last 60 years, costumes ranged from evening dresses to swimwear, tennis dresses to the mini, and ended with a display of wedding dresses spanning the years. Everyone loved not just seeing the beautiful original clothes but also hearing Notty’s tales of where she obtained them and sometimes of the original owners. Soroptimist Jenny Holmes thanked Notty, her models and their dressers for providing such a lovely afternoon. 

Black Country Murders

Black Country Murders


Cannock Soroptimists heard about Black Country Murders from speaker Ian Bott at their last meeting. Ian used pictures of places and people to illustrate his talk of murders taking place between 1902 and 1954 in Tipton, Lye, Bilston and Walsall.  The murders were all domestic incidents and he didn’t spare any of the gory details! Throat cutting was often the mode of killing; the victims were women and children.  In all cases the murderer was caught, tried and sentenced within twelve months of the crime, sentence ranging from 12 years imprisonment to hanging at Winson Green Prison. President Janis Lomas thanked Ian for his talk – being an historian herself she had a particular interest. The Club’s next speaker meeting will be on August 19th when the speaker will be Margaret Smallman whose topic will be Memories of a Corner Shop. SI Cannock meet at

David Bell takes SI Cannock ‘Up the Garden Path’

David Bell takes SI Cannock ‘Up the Garden Path’


“Up the Garden Path” was the title of David Bell’s talk when he joined SI Cannock & District as their speaker recently.  And it wasn’t a talk about flowers and shrubs – but very amusing anecdotes gathered about “the privy”.  David is an author and has been writing for 25 years; prior to that he was a Primary school teacher and Headteacher, living and working where the three counties of Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire meet. His first books were written for 10 year olds, he then wrote rather gory crime fiction under the name of Jack Wainer.  It was when he helped out a friend in a book shop that he realised there was a need for books about life in the three counties he was so familiar with.  Then began his series of books: ‘Ghosts and Legends’, ‘Memories of life in the Coalfields’, and

Two New Members Inducted

Two New Members Inducted


Two new members have joined Cannock Soroptimists. President Janis Lomas told everyone how delighted she was that her first task as President in this, the club’s Diamond Anniversary year, was to induct Pat Preece and June Bould as members of the club. Pat has been a member of the club previously but a family health situation meant that she had to resign her membership two years ago. Members were delighted to welcome her back and she thanked all club members for the support they had given her over the past difficult years and said that she was now looking forward to getting involved with Soroptimist events again.  Pat is well known to many, having worked at St Luke’s (Walhouse) School, since retirement working there voluntarily to help Y1 children with their early reading skills and having taught many local children to play the piano. June

New Presidential Year

New Presidential Year


On the 12th April 1954 a group of women met at the Gas Showrooms in Cannock – this was the initial meeting of what was to become Soroptimist International, Cannock and District.  On the 15th April 2014, Dr Janis Lomas was presented with the President’s chain of office by outgoing team President Pam McGauley, and so began the club’s 60th anniversary year.  Members are excited about the Diamond Celebratory year when they hope to meet up with many past friends and members whilst fulfilling the Soroptimist goal of providing help and support to women and girls locally and throughout the world.  The club has decided to focus on the UK flagship project – Violence Against Women – Stop It Now [VAWSIN] and will be involved in fund raising events, lobbying and events to raise awareness not only of club members but also members of the

Embroidery Presentation

Embroidery Presentation


A beautiful embroidered wall hanging was presented to new President of S I Cannock & District Janis Lomas at the AGM on 15th April.   Soroptimist Lynne Tuckley designed and made the framed embroidery to celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the club in Cannock.  It has the new Soroptimist emblem, launched just over two years ahead.  President Janis and club members were delighted with it and will have it on display at their meetings during the year.  10 years ago Lynne and another club member, June Ward, embroidered a cloth to celebrate the club’s 50th year – that has on it the names of all members at the time.   The excitement of the gift and the 60th year was tinged with sadness when members heard that their friend June Ward, a member of SI Cannock & District for 37 years, had died following a

Long Service Certificates

Long Service Certificates


Two members of SI Cannock & District were presented with certificates for 30 years of service to and membership of Soroptimist International, or SI as it is known. Outgoing team President Pamela McGauley presented the long service certificates to Christine James and Doreen Smith, congratulating them on the work they have done to promote the aims of Soroptimism and improve the lives of women and girls.    The club has many members of long standing, all of whom enjoy the friendship of membership alongside the action they take to help women both locally and globally.  At the next business meeting two new members will be inducted into the club bringing the membership to 40.  The Soroptimist Goals are to: Improve the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment or enabling opportunities. be a global voice for increasing access to education and leadership for

AGM 2014

AGM 2014


SI Cannock & District held its AGM at The Barns on 15th April.  A team of six members had worked together throughout the year as President, the AGM was led by Team President Pam McGauley.  Pam reported on behalf of them all, thanking club members for their support and reflecting on the club’s achievements over the year.  During the year club members had continued to support Pathway, the refuge for women victims of Domestic Violence by providing toiletries throughout the year and Christmas gifts; St Giles Hospice by providing cakes on a regular basis – these are offered to visitors at the Hospice; the Soup Kitchen in Mill Street when Cannock Soroptimists provide and prepare a Christmas meal, last year for around 50 people and the Food Bank in Cannock.  In addition they have held events to raise funds for international projects such as Birthing