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Memories of a Corner Shop

‘Memories of a Corner Shop’ was the title of Margaret Smallman’s talk when she was the speaker at SI Cannock & District’s August meeting.  She was an accomplished and amusing speaker and many members could remember the things she spoke of; those who couldn’t found it a fascinating insight into the social history of the 50s and 60s.

Margaret grew up in a corner shop in Wolverhampton, the shop sold almost everything – and she remembers her Mother telling them all never to tell a customer they didn’t have or sell any item, always to say that it wasn’t in at the moment but they could get it!

It was a very happy evening, reminiscing about rationing, blocks of butter and cheese, liquorice and sherbert in a bag. Corner shops were a vital part of the community, a place where everyone went, where stories could be told and worries shared – and where news and gossip was ever present!

President Janis Lomas welcomed member Lynne Tuckley back after a three month break whilst she was waiting for her new home to be ready.  Lynne lit the friendship candle and told members how pleased she was to be back living in Cannock amongst her friends.

Members finalised their plans for presenting information on Endometriosis to students at Cannock College during Freshers Week.
lynne and speaker

Photo attached: l to r:  Margaret Smallman with Soroptimist Lynne Tuckley