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60th year – Looking backwards and forwards

60th year – Looking backwards and forwards


Members of  SI Cannock & District had their first ever meeting 60 years ago in April 1954 at the Gas Showrooms in Cannock.  At their AGM on 15th April 2014 the club will begin its Diamond Celebratory year their President will be Dr Janis Lomas.  During the year they will be holding many fun events and will have some super speakers.   They will continue to uphold the vision of SI to Educate, Enable and Empower Women & Girls, in particular raising both funds for and awareness of Staffordshire Women’s Aid and Pathway, both of which run refuges and other services to support women victims of domestic violence.  The first major fundraising event will be on Thursday June 12th at the Barns: ‘An Evening with Mary Queen of Scots’ alias Lesley Smith, curator of Tutbury Castle.  The evening includes a two course meal; tickets cost

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day


Members of SI Cannock & District joined members from other clubs within Midland Chase Region to mark International Women’s Day on March 8th by holding a conference to raise awareness and understanding of Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM.  The event was informative and at times emotional, even harrowing.  There were 4 speakers: Lilli Loveday from “28 Too Many” spoke of the work of the charity in the 28 countries in Africa where FGM, or cutting, is prevalent.  Antonia Bright from Working for Justice gave information on the Asylum process in this country – many women escaping their country of birth because of the practice of FGM seek asylum here, their path is not an easy one.   Carol McCormickspoke of the issue from the perspective of women in the UK and the difficulties they face, she is a midwife and Senior Practitioner for FGM in Nottingham. 

Marion Baldwin on ‘Hats’

Marion Baldwin on ‘Hats’


Marian Baldwin was the speaker at the March meeting of SI Cannock & District.  Her subject was ‘Hats’ – but the talk was not what members expected!  Marian trained at a London school of Drama in the 1950’s and part of her life has been spent in the theatre.  She amused and entertained with stories of her early days when, as a girl from Dorset, she was told she had to ‘do something about her accent’, though the posh debutante accent she first learned didn’t always work to her advantage!  The 5 hats she had brought came into their own as she used them as props.  The first hat to be unveiled was a riding hat and she gave an amusing recitation of a poem describing a young girl’s first gymkhana event.  Next came her mother’s hat from 1926 and a rendition of The Young

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day


Members of SI Cannock & District joined members from other clubs within Midland Chase Region to mark International Women’s Day on March 8th by holding a conference to rise awareness and understanding of Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM.  The event was informative and at times emotional, even harrowing.  There were 4 speakers: Lilli Loveday from “28 Too Many” spoke of the work of the charity in the 28 countries in Africa where FGM, or cutting, is prevalent.  Antonia Bright from Working for Justice gave information on the Asylum process in this country – many women escaping their country of birth because of the practice of FGM seek asylum here, their path is not an easy one.   Carol McCormickspoke of the issue from the perspective of women in the UK and the difficulties they face, she is a midwife and Senior Practitioner for FGM in Nottingham. 

Oxfam Mother Appeal Coffee Morning

Oxfam Mother Appeal Coffee Morning


Cannock Soroptimists raised £235.00 for the Oxfam Mothers Project at a recent coffee morning.  The event was held at the home of Soroptimist June Hardman and everyone enjoyed having the chance to chat and to learn about the project which fits closely with the Soroptimist focus to Educate, Enable and Empower women throughout the world.  Soroptimist June is confident that the club will be able to send a cheque for the appeal for £250.00 as she other donations are expected. By supporting Oxfam’s Mother Appeal, mothers worldwide are being given the lift they need to use their power to change the future.   Mothers everywhere want the best for their children. But when every day is a struggle to feed their families, it takes almost superhuman strength to succeed. And yet, the world’s poorest mothers never give up. When a mother is helped, she will not

Plans for SI Cannock’s 60th Year

Plans for SI Cannock’s 60th Year


Cannock Soroptimists finalised plans for their Diamond Year at their February business meeting.  They have arranged a programme which includes fun and friendship along with their work to Educate, Enable and Empower women.  The focus of this work in the UK is relating to violence against women and children and this will be the main focus of fundraising and awareness raising for the Cannock club: they will concentrate on doing what they can to support Staffordshire Women’s Aid and Pathway, the organisation helping women victims of domestic violence.  President Elect Janis Lomas told members that she and a small subcommittee of members had worked over the last 8 months to consider events, venues, speakers which would appeal to Soroptimists and guests and enthuse and invigorate everyone involved.   The first big event of the year will be in support of the two charities: on June 12th

59th Annual Dinner

59th Annual Dinner


Cannock Soroptimists celebrated their 59 years as a Club at their Annual Dinner which was held at The Barns on February 7th. Team President Sue Gay took the chair and gave a warm welcome to 76 Soroptimists and guests.  Mistress of Ceremonies was Team President Pam McGauley, who entertained everyone throughout with her lovely wit and humour.      Alan Holdcroft, President of the Rotary Club of Cannock, was unable to be present at the event due to illness but he still sent his message on behalf of himself and the Rotary Club. It was read on his behalf by Rotarian Peter Gay, Past District Governor   and husband of SI Cannock Team President Sue. In the toast to Soroptimist International, Alan, via Peter, commended the organisation for their work giving help and hope to women and children all over the world.  Edna Schafer-Hughes, President of Midland Chase

Charity Quiz Night

Charity Quiz Night


Cannock Soroptimists held a successful, fun, quiz night at The Barns, Huntington to start off the new year. 64 people tested their knowledge answering questions set by quiz master Chris Wardle, enjoying a hot supper during the interval.  A raffle was held with prizes donated by club members, and the proceeds of the evening – just over £200 – will go towards the Soroptimist BIG project.  The BIG project –Birthing in the Gambia – is in its final year of fundraising and Soroptimists all over the UK will be giving the project a final push over the next few months. The quiz was won by a team of 4 lady magistrates from Stafford and they each won a bottle of wine. The Cannock club is making final preparations for its 60th year, when Diamond Celebrations will be held throughout the year which begins in April.

Christmas Celebration

Christmas Celebration


Team President Ronnie Reynolds welcomed Members of SI Cannock & District and their guests to the Christmas Celebration held at the Barns, Cannock. Everyone enjoyed an excellent meal which was followed by entertainment from Brian T Williams: comedy, guitar and one man band! In between his songs he brought laughter – and some groans – with his humour and a skiffle band made up of willing volunteers proved great fun. During the evening a fabulous Christmas Hamper was raffled.  The Hamper was donated by Barry Picken, Governor of Rotary District 1210.  Earlier this year Barry attended presentations given by SI Cannock on trafficking and child sexual exploitation. He was so impressed by the work of the Soroptimist club that he decided to focus on the issue at his District Conference held in October of this year, raising awareness with Rotarians at over 50 clubs.  As

Speaker – Kara Bird

Speaker – Kara Bird


SI Cannock and District’s latest speaker was Kara Bird who works as an embalmer within the Co-operative Funeral profession.  She was introduced by team President Lakhwinder Thompson and, despite this being a possibly difficult subject, gave an interesting and at times amusing talk.  Kara has worked in the profession for 20 years and explained that the most rewarding part of the job for her is the reconstructive work she undertakes, thus giving comfort to the bereaved when they see their loved ones at peace.  She told club members that she has done reconstruction work with soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan and that a team of embalmers are set to fly out to the Philippines to work in the disaster areas.  Kara feels it is important that work such as hers is ‘de-mystified’ so that it is not seen as something to be frightened of