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SI Cannock Step Back in Time!

SI Cannock Step Back in Time!


SI Cannock & District have decided to organise more social get-togethers where members can meet in a less formal setting and socialise more. Our first get-together was at the Great War Hut at Marquis Drive on Cannock Chase. The hut shows how soldiers that fought in the First World War lived whilst billeted in the training camps on Cannock Chase. Cannock Soroptimist Lynne Tuckley, one of the volunteers at the hut kindly arranged the visit. Built in Autumn 1915, at its height it was the largest training camp in the British Empire; housing 40,000 men at a time who were brought to Cannock for three months to learn how to fight. At that time the population of Rugeley was 7,000 so that gives some idea of the amount of infrastructure that needed to be put in place. Power was tapped from the nearby colliery power

Soroptimists – Women Against Violence

Soroptimists – Women Against Violence


On 25th of each month, Soroptimists around the world join other organisations, including the UN, to ‘Orange the World’. Orange, the colour of hope represents a future free from violence against women and girls. To publicise this, SI Cannock & District plan to visit a different local café each month, dressed in orange! They will take along information on where women who may be experiencing domestic abuse can get support, details of projects the club supports and other useful contacts. They will also enjoy a cup of coffee together. 25th July was their first ‘Orange Café’ outing! Seven members met at Savannah’s Tea Rooms in Rugeley who were great hosts, allowing the ladies to display their leaflets and goodies. They chatted to the people of Rugeley who were very welcoming and hopefully enjoyed the splash of colour on a grey July day! The ladies enjoyed

A Summer Celebration!

A Summer Celebration!


Bishton Hall and Gardens was the venue for this year’s SI Cannock & District Summer Celebration.  Soroptimist Jackie Prince organised a fabulous morning in the Orangery when club members and friends enjoyed a morning cream tea and the company of auctioneer and TV personality Charles Hanson. Charles and his staff were so welcoming and friendly and many club members took along items for Charles to value. As he did this, he demonstrated his amazing knowledge of what seemed to be all areas of antique and vintage items – though he told us that he has many specialists working with him who he will refer to for confirmation or additional information.  He told the story of a Chinese vase he was asked to auction many years ago.  He correctly told the owner the date and the artist and valued it at £25,000.  His specialist examined it

Celebrating 25 Years of Service

Celebrating 25 Years of Service


At their last meeting, SI Cannock & District were delighted to be able to celebrate 25 years of membership with one of their most committed members. Trish Mellor joined the club in 1998 and since then has been a tireless supporter of Soroptimist International. She has led on projects that have improved the lives of women and girls locally, nationally and internationally. These include the White Ribbon campaign and SI Cannock’s award winning ‘Your Body, Your Rules’ project. Trish has held various posts in the club including being President in 2004/2005, Club Secretary, Region Representative and is currently joint Programme Action Rep and Press Officer. She is known and well respected at Club, Regional and National level having attended many SI conferences in those 25 years. On behalf of the club, Team President Trish Smith congratulated Trish and presented her with a Long Service Award

Superstar Readers supported by SI Cannock and District

Superstar Readers supported by SI Cannock and District


Since Easter members of SI Cannock & District have been going to West Hill Primary School in Hednesford every Wednesday to listen to some of their children read. Following a donation of books from the Rotary Books4Home charity, a charity that SI Cannock has close links with, the club heard that the school desperately needed volunteers to help them to improve the literacy of many of their children who missed so much school time during the pandemic. They wanted particular help with the pupils in years 1, 2 and 3. After receiving the relevant training and security vetting, the seven volunteers were eager to get started and have been attending either Wednesday morning or afternoon all term. It has been such a rewarding experience! One of the volunteers said “It is a privilege to hear children read” which is so true. The teachers have said

SI Cannock and District welcomes new members!

SI Cannock and District welcomes new members!


The new Soroptimist year started on a very positive note when three new members were welcomed into the club. Lead Team President Carole Holdcroft said she was honoured to induct Alison Murray, Caryn Hewitt and Julia Kenny as members of SI Cannock & District. Together with Jill Mason, part of the Membership Team, the three ladies were officially welcomed and presented with their badges. All three have already shown that they will be excellent Soroptimists by getting involved with events and projects: Alison, a secretary with HMCS and schools, is a member of the team of West Hill Readers; Caryn, a bank clerk, has got involved with the Women’s Safety group and Julia, Business Analyst and HR manager with a national transport firm is involved with the Books4Home project. Alison, Caryn and Julia all said they had found the club very friendly and welcoming and

SI Cannock Members Attend Region Conference

SI Cannock Members Attend Region Conference


Cannock & District Soroptimist Club is part of Midland Chase Region – which currently comprises 8 clubs. Each year the Region holds a conference giving club members the chance to meet and hear excellent speakers all speaking around the Region President’s theme. This year 13 members of Cannock club attended the conference, held at Brocton Hall Golf Club and, as usual, it was an interesting and thought provoking day. Region President Lyn Shiel, a member of SI Tamworth, had chosen as her theme: Stay Positive, Work Hard and Make It Happen! Her speakers demonstrated how they do exactly that! Charlotte Candy’s title was How Women Can Thrive in the Construction Industry – she is currently a leading Risk Assessment manager working on national and international projects and has had to challenge some outdated assumptions. Beverley Gilbert has challenged stereotypes for most of her life; she

SI Cannock Welcome New Members

SI Cannock Welcome New Members


The new Soroptimist year started on a very positive note when three new members were welcomed into the club. Lead Team President Carole Holdcroft said she was honoured to induct Alison Murray, Caryn Hewitt and Julia Kenny as members of SI Cannock & District. Together with Jill Mason, part of the Membership Team, the three ladies were officially welcomed and presented with their badges. All three have already shown that they will be excellent Soroptimists by getting involved with events and projects: Alison, a secretary with HMCS and schools, is a member of the team of West Hill Readers; Caryn, a bank clerk, has got involved with the Women’s Safety group and Julia, Business Analyst and HR manager with a national transport firm is involved with the Books4Home project. Alison, Caryn and Julia all said they had found the club very friendly and welcoming and

A Donation Worth Reading About!

A Donation Worth Reading About!


691 books!  That was the fantastic total collected by 7 year old Emilia and donated to Books4Home. Emilia is the great niece of Soroptimist Trish Mellor and is an avid reader, she adores books; when she heard that there were children who do not have books of their own she could hardly believe it. So she decided to help – and immediately sorted out books of her own she was willing to give. Then, together with her Mom, Dad and younger sister she set about asking friends and school mates if they had any books they were willing to donate; she set herself a target of 250 books. After less than a week she had gone over that number – and was spurred on to continue collecting. Others in their home town in Shropshire heard of what Emilia was doing and she and her Mom,

AGM 2023 New Team President

AGM 2023 New Team President


SI Cannock held it’s AGM at The Barns on 18 th April, giving its members the opportunity to look back on another successful year! The club has been run by a team this year rather than a single President, and will be run the same way in the coming year. The outgoing Lead Team President Trish Smith thanked everyone for their help and support. The theme for the year was ‘We’re all in this together!’ and that was evident throughout the year. Members were encouraged to chair meetings, arrange speakers and organize events which they did with enthusiasm and flair. Trish thanked these members for their efforts and hoped that they enjoyed the experience. They also celebrated the successful projects the club undertook through the year – existing ones and many new ones – such as being a huge part in enabling the Books4Home charity