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Feel free to use our Green Pledge to help make a difference!

This Green Pledge was created following a talk by then 11 year old Katie Hodges who presented to the club on the challenges of climate change.  We all agreed to do what we could to make these small changes in our lives to help protect our planet for future generations.  How many of these do you do?

SI Cannock & District Eco – Pledges

  • Look to changing to a green energy provider
  • Avoid buying products with black food trays
  • Have a meat or fish free day each week
  • Generate less food waste
  • Avoid buying single use plastic bottles
  • Re-cycle my unwanted clothes
  • Walk more & use my car less
  • Go on a litter pick in my local area
  • Buy re-useable Vegetable bags
  • Donate unwanted goods to charity