Anyone for hapa zome printing? Crosby’s Soroptimists had the opportunity to try this out at their recent meeting.
Club members welcomed Cheryl Ashton and Molly Toal from the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside. SI Crosby has a long-term partnership with the Trust, focussed on the educational and community potential of Lunt Meadows Nature Reserve.
Cheryl gave an update on progress – a start on construction of the long-awaited welcome centre is imminent. Hapa zome printing is, therefore, one example of the many nature-based learning activities that could feature.
The technique – which is of Japanese origin – is ‘flower-pounding’. Arrange fresh flowers and leaves between fabric layers and bash them with a wooden implement. Very satisfying! Peel away the fabric and – voilà – a colourful pattern.
The Soroptimists’ efforts varied from delicate to splodgy – elderberries were particularly messy. But all agreed this would be popular with visitors to the reserve. It’s fun and education hand-in-hand.
After the mayhem of flower-pounding, order was restored. President Margaret opened the session by installing Sylvia Hargreaves as a Soroptimist and welcoming her to SI Crosby.
President Margaret’s second enjoyable task was to present Shirley Smith with a certificate marking 30 years’ service as a Soroptimist.