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Crosby Soroptimists 80th Anniversary Celebrations continue…

Crosby Soroptimists 80th Anniversary Celebrations continue…


Crosby members were delighted to attend an afternoon tea at Haydock Park Race Club to celebrate their 80th Anniversary.  They were joined by members of Bolton, Bootle and Stockport Clubs, who also have celebrated their 80th Anniversay this year.  Together the four clubs  have contributed  to a total of 320 years of women-centered service by countless members of each club. Well done Ladies!        

SI Crosby supports charity event at Crosby Hall Education Trust

SI Crosby supports charity event at Crosby Hall Education Trust


SI Crosby were on hand yesterday to support  the Open Gardens Event at Crosby Hall Education Trust (CHET).  The team made sure that all visitors were suitable refreshed, which was very important given the beautiful weather we had. CHET is a registered charity which was established in 1991 to offer children from all backgrounds a taste of country life away from the routine of normal life.  Here they can enjoy a range of outdoor (and indoor) activities that are not available in a classroom setting.  We are constantly improving the range and quality of these activities. We at CHET are committed to providing for our visitors a fun, exciting, stimulating, but safe experience. Find out more about the charity here    

Move over Gentlemen – SI Crosby are coming to visit!

Move over Gentlemen – SI Crosby are coming to visit!


There was an unusual sight at at the world famous Artist Club recently when 40+  women met up together for lunch. The private members club has a strict ‘gentlemen only’ policy at its Liverpool premises where it has been since 1889.  But the rule book was thrown out of the window when members of SI Crosby and guests enjoyed a splendid drinks  and lunch reception.   It all came about thanks to member Helen Pfeiffer whose husband Dr Uli Pfeiffer is this year’s President of the Artist Club.  The popular retired GP and Honorary German Consul for Liverpool arranged the lunch as part of the Club’s 80th birthday celebrations.  He also gave a talk to  members on the history of the Artist Club which was formed to give artists the opportunity to meet with businessmen. “It was a lovely afternoon  and so many people have

Moonwalk, Memorable Mile & Memories

Moonwalk, Memorable Mile & Memories


SI Crosby are so very proud of club member Charan, who recently took part in the Moonwalk for Breast Cancer.  The Moonwalk took place in London on the night of 11th May and it covered a full marathon distance 26.2miles.   The Moonwalk is one of a number of challenges, initiated by The Walk the Walk Charity Walk the Walk is the largest grant making breast cancer charity in the UK. Being a grant making charity means that everybody taking part in the challenges is raising money for Walk the Walk, they then grant the funds to other charities and organisations throughout the UK, to help them reach their united goals and ambitions of treating breast cancer. Charan has already raisied over £1400 and donations are still coming in.    

80 years of transforming lives

80 years of transforming lives


During the anxious days approaching the Second World War, a small group of women gathered in May, 1938, to form Soroptimist International of Crosby. Since then, through the war and onwards, the club has worked tirelessly with international colleagues to enhance the lives of women and girls not only locally  and in this country but all over the world. Members have also given considerable voluntary support to the local community and  its charities. This contribution was acknowledged by principal  guest, the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside, Mr Mark Blundell at the club’s 80th Anniversary Dinner, held at West Lancs Golf Club. In particular, he thanked members for their support for CHET (Crosby Hall Educational Trust) a registered charity of which he is patron, which offers outdoor activity breaks at Crosby Hall, for children who might otherwise not have a holiday. The  anniversary dinner co-incided with the

Supporting families in their time of need

Supporting families in their time of need


SI Crosby were delighted to present a cheque to The Home from Home Charity at The Walton Centre. The Walton Centre is a unique and remarkable trust dedicated to neurosciences, and in 2014 they launched Home from Home. The aim of the project is to provide accommodation for relatives to use whilst their loved ones are visiting the centre. It is wonderful to hear how much of a positive impact the facility has had on those using it, and how much of a difference it makes. Well done to the Walton Centre for creating a fantastic facility, and here is to many more years!

Friends of the Food Bank

Friends of the Food Bank


Crosby Soroptimists recently helped out at The Food Bank Collection at Tesco’s Litherland Store. Wearing their bright tabards, they collected food donations and distributed information about the food bank and its services to the customers. The Food Bank provides a fantastic service for families who may be struggling to cover all of their household costs and we are very proud to be able to support this initiative.  

80th year celebrations begin

80th year celebrations begin


Well, firstly, we had to ring out the old year 2017 with our Annual General meeting. A succesful year with funds given to good causes, local charities supported in kind as well as cash and a successful STEM event and social programme. However, we coudn’t help but look forward to our 80th year and continuing our work to improve the lives of women and girls everywhere. The formal business of our Annual General Meeting ends with a candle ceremony where we remind ourselves why we are Soroptimists and endorse the values and aspirations of Soroptimism This was, of course, the first meeting chaired by our newly installed President Sheila (above right with President Elect Debbie) who will lead us through the next exciting twelve months. The programme is filling up !

Sew good!

Sew good!


Soroptimists Jenny and Jan put their needlework skills to good use by making a range of goods from scraps of material and wool. Their “bagatelles ” range embraces sustainable  linen bags for fruit, veg and bread, tote bags for clothes, shoes and shopping along with pouches for jewelry and all things precious ! Proceeds from sales support the work of Sefton Women and Children’s Aid ( ) Our photo shows Jenny and Jan selling their lovely goods at Formby Craft fair. If you are having an event and would like our Bagatelles team to visit  contact us !