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Girls just wanna have fun – 60’s style !!

Girls just wanna have fun – 60’s style !!


The annual “Three Clubs” bash hosted by Southport Club gave us all a chance to remember the 60’s! Bootle and Crosby clubs happily accepted Southport’s invitation to relive the summer of love! Dressed to the nines, we enjoyed vol au vents and yes, pineapple and cheese on a stick along with other tasty treats.Our knowledge of the period was tested with a fun quiz (Crosby won !!) and our joints tested with a lesson in the Locomotion !! Peace man!- Pass a brandy and babycham ! Our thanks to our sister club for a lovely evening !

It’s Christmas !!!

It’s Christmas !!!


And Crosby Soroptimists have been busy –  of course! Firstly in early November we packed back packs to support Mary’s Meals charity.Later,  artistic talents were put to use as we decorated a tree in the St Faith’s Christmas tree festival. December saw us helping at the Light Up a Life event at Jospice and also walking the streets of Crosby with the Santa Float. Thanks to the generosity of residents in the Thornton area we raised £500 for local charities and good causes. We supported Crosby Food Bank with donations of Christmas treats. We did take time out to enjoy some festival food and drink at our Christmas social evening at the West Lancashire Golf Club with Dr Mike Jones of Liverpool University entertaining us with a Beatles themed talk. Carols were sung too ! If you think you’d like to help us with our

Fawlty Fund Raiser

Fawlty Fund Raiser


Basil and Sybil with staff Manuel and Polly  moved north in November to welcome residents to a quiz in hastily rented dining rooms in Blundellsands. Sadly, Kurt had been sacked so a sandwich buffet was the best that the management could offer. Unexpectedly, a hygiene inspector was also in the audience causing some confusion and worry as well as a visit from furry friends. However, guests in the dining room, despite insults being hurled, were full of ‘bonhommie’ and generosity helping Basil raise nearly £1000 for charities and good causes in the local area. Our photo shows the reception area with Manuel and Sybil prepared to welcome guests 




President Annette was proud to join service and other local charitable and voluntary organisations in the service of remembrance at the Five Lamps Memorial in Waterloo on Remembrance Sunday. Watched by other club members, who were present, she laid a wreath on behalf of Crosby Soroptimists.

Off to Nepal with a little help …

Off to Nepal with a little help …


Crosby Soroptimists heard of the plans of local girl guide Hannah Thompson for her trip to Nepal. Next year Hannah will be joining other girl guides for a trip of a lifetime to support the work of   Classrooms in the Clouds   a UK based charity building classrooms and sponsoring teachers in remote villages in  Nepal. Meanwhile, Hannah has to raise the funding for her trip herself and she inspired club members with her enthusiasm and energy.We were only too delighted to help her on her way with a financial donation and look forward to Hannah returning next year to tell us about her experiences. President Elect Sheila, pictured with Hannah, commented, “Hannah is an inspirational young woman and we are thrilled for her.”

Soroptimists Open a Window on STEM

Soroptimists Open a Window on STEM


Over 75 girls and four boys from seven local schools were encouraged to consider careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) when they attended a conference organised by Crosby Soroptimists. Nine inspirational young women outlined their careers, explaining the entry route into their chosen professions. Their audience of 14-16 year-olds then divided into smaller groups and took the opportunity to questions each of the speakers further. Plenty of information was available on each of the STEM disciplines and associated careers; plus there were hands-on scientific experiments to try – including creating Lego racing cars. The contributors:- Amanda Hughes, assistant chief engineer for military trainer and transport engine products, Rolls Royce  Sajni Halai, project engineer at Jaguar Land Rover Marianne Thomson, finance and leader development programme manager, BAE Systems Katherine Reynolds from the accounts receivable team in military air and information, BAE Systems Jessica Jones

Fancy this job?

Fancy this job?


Crosby Soroptimist President Annette faced one of the hardest challenges of her Presidency recently.She was called upon to help judge entrants in the Teddy Bears’ Picnic parade held at Jospice’s Emerald Anniversary Garden Party.Now that’s a job for only the brave and bold as long loved teddies were put up for inspection. Luckily for other Soroptimists they had the easier task of helping serve tea.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands


Crosby Soroptimists turned out in force recently to help make the ‘open garden’ at Crosby Hall a success. Happy as ever around cake, they helped welcome visitors and serve tea. The Hall (in Little Crosby) is adjacent to Crosby Hall Educational Trust (CHET), which offers children outdoor activity holidays with experiences totally different to their usual urban environment. Proceeds from the ‘open garden’ went to CHET.    

Sizzling sausages, salads and song!

Sizzling sausages, salads and song!


Crosby Soroptimists joined Crosby Lions and Crosby Rotary Club in hosting a BBQ for local people with visual impairment. This annual event held in Lion Ivan’s garden is eagerly anticipated by all. Luckily, the threatened rain and high winds held off as everyone enjoyed the BBQ ably cooked by the Lions with salads and sweets provided by Soroptimists. Happily, Rotary were there too – to staff the bar ! County music was provided by Brian – we managed most of the lyrics!

Cheque this out !

Cheque this out !


President Annette and club fundraising chair Patsy were thrilled to present a cheque to Crosby Youth Centre. The cash  will be used to buy much needed equipment. Crosby Soroptimists are delighted to be able to support local charities as a result of fundraising events through out the year.