We swam in the Swimathon in Kendal raising funds for ShelterBox. We had fun and achieved 112 lengths swimming in a relay for 55 minutes, raising £557 which with Gift Aid will exceed £600.
Afterwards we enjoyed a delicious meal at the home of Club member Sheila.
ShelterBox provides vital tools and shelter for families in disaster areas worldwide. Women and children are disproprtionately affected by disasters and we therefore like to support ShelterBox every year.
ShelterBox are heavily involved in Gaza and their stocks are very depleted so our donation will help to support families.
Club members have swum in the Swimathon for 38 years and raised funds for ShelterBox sice 2009.
The total raised at the Swimathon this year by all teams was £7328 (will be more with Gift Aid)
If you want to find out more about us or join our Club please CONTACT US