“Empowering Girls in Nepal” is a 3 year project created in partnership between Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland ( SIGBI) and Chora Chori and our club as part of SIGBI is fundraising.
The vision of the project is to empower, educate and enable disadvantaged, victimised and vulnerable girls in Nepal to become independent and self-sufficient role models to other girls in Nepal and become community leaders of the future.
To achieve this, the goal over the next 3 years is to raise at least £105,000 which would be used to provide education vocational training to (at least) 45 girls each year, & to create a 30-bed safe and secure halfway house allowing the girls to rebuild their lives and give them a positive future.
Many of the girls are fleeing abusive situations, trafficking and rape.
The 30 bedded hostel now with 8 residents opened in December 2019. 12 girls are in formal education and 8 girls in non-formal education. The girls can also learn skills such as tailoring or the making of jewellery.
Our club has helped by making and selling preserves, but the main boost was £760 from Club member Janice with her 26.1 Challenge playing her flute .
Club members organised a Zoom day at the races for the NW Region Soroptimists raising over £300.
Lynne and Sheila are holding afternoon teas when the weather is good.