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How are Grange Soroptimists helping women in Barrow?

How are Grange Soroptimists helping women in Barrow?

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Handing over sanitary items It was great to be able to hand over sanitary items to the staff at Barrow Women's Centre as there is Period poverty but also a need for incontinence wear for other clients. An afternoon tea was held at a members home during the summer and as well as enjoying a delicious afternoon tea  £155 raised from donations from members attending. Ready for tea ! Teatime treats If you are interested in finding out more about us or would like to join please CONTACT US
What are Grange Soroptimists doing about Fast Fashion?

What are Grange Soroptimists doing about Fast Fashion?

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Disciussing Fast Fashion Grange Soroptimists were at the Grange over Sands Eco Fair along with many organisations fighting Climate change and were promoting our Clothes Swap on Friday December 1st in Cartmel Village Hall LA11 6QB.  (For instructions to find the hall see below.) The textile industry  creates more carbon emissions than aviation and shipping combined and Fast Fashion is the main driver of this. For more facts about the  deleterious effects of the Fashion industry see Oxfams Shocking facts Get your ticket  for the Clothes swap as its a great way to enjoy new to you clothes, clear out some unwanted but good condition clothes and of course have a fun evening ! Directions to Cartmel Village Hall Cartmel Village Hall, Park Road, Cartmel LA11 6QB. The Village Hall is just before the main car park in Cartmel. Once in Cartmel Square you go down
Soroptimist Gardeners at work

Soroptimist Gardeners at work

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Hard work and good fun Members have done a great job replanting the Ornis ring flowerbed near the station in Grange. It was hard work, but good fun and the appreciative comments of passers by was a bonus. The Soroptimists  maintain the Ornis ring, library flowerbed and the Sensory garden. This is just one of the service projects the Soroptimists do in the area. If you want more information about our Club or would like to join please CONTACT US.   As you can see we work hard but enjoy ourselves and  its a good way of making friends and helping the Community.
Club wins Regional award

Club wins Regional award

Clothes swap team with Darwen Shield Club members were delighted to be awarded the Darwen shield  - a Regional award for the best Soroptimist project. The award was for the Clothes swap event , highlighting the environmental impact of Fast Fashion. The club is holding their next Clothes swap pn Friday December 1st 6pm at Cartmel Village Hall
Collecting at Cartmel Races with Barrow Women’s Centre

Collecting at Cartmel Races with Barrow Women’s Centre

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Seven members joined the staff and volunteers of Barrow Women's Centre to collect at Cartmel races on August Bank Holiday. We had great fun and collected  a staggering £1750 greatly aided by club member Janice and her amazing horse! Barrow Women's Centre support women  experiencing Domestic Violence and many other difficulties. If you want to find out more about Grange soroptimists and the work we do or would like to join please CONTACT US. The Magnificent Seven plus horse!!
Walk on Walney August 9th

Walk on Walney August 9th

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Eleven Members enjoyed a  walk in the sunshine on the Biggar Bank Multimedia Trail  on Walney  learning about local history , wildlife and hearing poems and music. It was a sociable and interesting morning followed by a  delicious late lunch in a member’s garden. Anyone interested in finding out more about our club or wishing to join us please CONTACT US Start of the trail at the Roundhouse
Garden Party August 16th

Garden Party August 16th

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Members and guests enjoyed a glorious afternoon in the Cartmel Village Hall garden with friendship & delicious cakes and scones and a mix of stalls.  £545  was raised for our charities including the Christmas hampers for Barrow Women's Centre. Anyone interested in finding out more about our work or wanting to join us CONTACT US Soroptimist waitresses
Visit to National Memorial Arboretum

Visit to National Memorial Arboretum

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At the SIGBI memorial On a bright sunny day in May 30 members plus friends set off by coach from Grange to visit the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas in Staffordshire.  The trip had been organised to see the Soroptimist memorial and also the new one dedicated to the Submariners Association, part of which had been designed by a young schoolgirl from Ulverston. We had an enjoyable and moving day. Members had recently heard a  fascinating talk  by Valerie Welti about the Canary Girls – the female munitions workers in both World Wars and its hoped there will soon be a memorial to them.   The Arboretum was the idea of Naval Commander David Childs CBE who had been inspired by a visit to Arlington Cemetery and the National Arboretum in Washington, and believed that the UK should have a ‘living’ memorial to ensure we
Sarah Neill marine biologist and World Oceans Day event

Sarah Neill marine biologist and World Oceans Day event

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Club members organised an event "Swimming with Orcas" with marine biologist Sarah Neill talking about her research into the effect  on Orca behaviour when  swimmers  are near Orcas. There is quite an unregulated tourist industry  with large numbers of boats and swimmers interacting with Orcas and Sarah hopes her research will  help develop appropriate guidelines to protect these wonderful mammals. Sarah talked about her Arctic adventure sailing with an all female crew , Sea Women Expeditions on the MV Vestland Explorer in November and December 2022. Our club was delighted to hear about her trip as we had sponsored her and were pleased that over 80 people attended her talk in Cartmel Village Hall to share  her wonderful trip. It was very apt we met on June 7th  as the following day was UN World Oceans Day, highlighting the plight of many species in our