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Smethwick Four Legged Friends Dinner

What a wonderful evening!  Bob and I were guests at this buffet dinner evening at Sandwell Golf Club.  We sat with President Tish of Wolverhampton who incidentally has sold 10 poppies for us and asked for 12 more!!  What a star!

There was a bottle tombola at which I won a mint liqueur, ribena, lime juice and tomato ketchup!!  I aslo won a lovely raffle prize so a very lucky evening too.

The speaker, Christine aka Dr Dudley talked about Dudley Zoo and its role in the worldwide attempts to sustain breeds of animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.  A local school has made links with a school in Madagascar to heighten awareness of the dangers of losing the rainforest.  Christine was so inspiring that those of us who have not visited, will be visiting the zoo to see the animals she talked about.  The zoo does ‘zoo keeper days’ when you can go and work with the animals – a very popular activity that runs all year round and raises much needed funds.  Lesley was able to give Christine  a cheque at the end of the evening for £200 that was raised with the raffle and the bottle tombola.  

We left with our bottles, raffle prize and flower arrangement but most of all, a warm glow from the hospitlaity and friendship we received.