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Sherriff’s Parade

Another wet day for the Sherriff’s event on Sunday.  The sherriffs from all over the country gathered in Lichfield last weekend, the venue that comes around every 14 years!  Bob, Chaplin and I braved the elements and went to watch the spectacle.  Chaplin made a few friends and got us properly noticed as he tried to get near to his friend, the Mayor!

The Sherriffs processed from the Guild Hall to the Cathedral.  Deputy Mayor Terry took the opportunity to ride one of the horses – as Sherriff last year he had had riding lessons to be able to do the Sherriff’s Ride, all 20 odd miles on horseback!

David Wain was spotted on the steps of Keely’s, a good vantage point as he was taking photos for a guide book that is to be published.  I’ll settle for one or two snaps on this website!!