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Cannock International Evening

Please double click on this photo as we insisted our feet should be included….

June, Lesley and I attended the international evening organised by Cannock Club.  President Lakhwinder thanked her international committee for organising the event and said that it had little to do with their President being Indian herself!  It was a celebration  of the support that Cannock Club and others in the region give to Soroptimist Initiatives in India.  Lynn Dunning, as speaker, talked of her visit to India when she was International President.  One of the projects trains girls in the skills to work in sweat shops – seems bizarre until she tells you that the alternative is begging or prostitution.  

A raffle raised £180 for the emergency relief fund – Lesley and June both had winning tickets and I was decidedly sullen about not winning.  In fact, so much so, that Lesley gave me the box of Thornton Chocs she won claiming that she hated them!!  I must be sullen more often…….?