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Salvation Army Prep

  Where’s all the glamour we 6 asked ourselves last night??  Chris, Jean, Janet, Vicki and I met at Lesley’s last night to ‘sort’ for Saturday.  After heaving the books from the garage and our cars into the conservatory (Mrs Bouquet has nothing on us) we made bundles of 5, tied with festive red wool to sell for 50p a bundle.  Bargain!

The ‘lounge’ was covered in bric a brac  – a beautiful night light candelabra would have looked lovely on the refreshments table till somebody reminded me we were there in full daylight – oops, and it would be a fire hazard – oops again!

Refreshments were welcome and Lesley does them so well.  As you can probably tell, we had an enjoyable evening but it was hard work.  Donna livened up the evening by bringing round the Tweedledum costume that I paraded for a while – Lichfield is in for such a treat!!

I hope that preparations are going on in the homes of Soroptimists throughout our area – can’t wait to see us all in action on Saturday!