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Salvation Army Carol Concert

Sunday 14th December, David Newstead sent a special invitation to attend the Carol Concert at the Symphony Hall.  This was in recognition of the £1004 SI Lichfield had raised for the Salvation Army.  Bob and I were invited to the Director’s Lounge with dignitaries including the Lord Lieutenant and the Deputy Mayor of Birmingham.

I was able to present the cheque to Major Maurice Hunt who is the Commanding Officer, Birmingham Citadel.  I met the Deputy Mayoress of Birmingham who is a member of SI Central Birmingham.

I also spoke to Diane Gagnan, Chair of BCOP- Broadening Horizons for Older People.  She was there to receive a cheque for £5000 from the Salvation Army – this was the proceeds from the collection at both concerts that day.

Many Soroptimists from the region were there as Region President Pauline Wright had organised tickets and travel.  Unfortunately, Pauline has the flu and was unable to attend.

The concert, as always was a delight with Charlie Green from ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ singing beautifully and the youngest children doing the nativity.  Baby Jesus probably has quite a sore head this morning as he was thrown back into his cradle by a Mum who had had quite enough and a tiny angel took the straw from his cradle and scattered it around the stage.  A delightful nativity that provoked laughter but reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas.