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Valued Member leaves Lichfield Club

With great sadness, Lichfield Club say goodbye to Avril Commons, a key figure in the club for many years. Avril is a past presaident as well as carrying out the roles of treasurer and secretary with vigour and exactitude. Avril has also served on the Regional committee and has been the respresentative on the Arboretum Committee. Indeed it was Avril’s design that has been used in establishing the garden there.
Avril has given tirelessly of her time and has the will to ‘get things done’. She established the fundraising for the Salvation Army every December and participation in the Rotary Santa Sleigh each year. She has been a staunch supporter of St Giles and the Lichfield Pathway Project.
In her village of Elford, she has left even greater legacies of a new village hall designed with ground breaking features and has just achieved another grant for establishing a garden. In total, she has brought well over £750,000 into the village in grants.
On a personal level, many reading our site will know of my son who has Asperger Syndrome. Without Avril’s help and guidance, we would not have had the success in provision that we have had.
Avril is moving to an area without a local Soroptimist Club – maybe that will be her next challenge! We wish her much happiness in the future and will not forget her own (and Brendan’s) committment to all of us here.