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Cashing in on Bank Holiday Bower!

Right to Left, Pat, Ellie, Bev, Mary & members of SAFA

Members of Lichfield Club were out in force on Bower Day to help count the proceeds from the Bower Procession collection.  President Donna and husband Alan, Carol Wedgbury and husband Les, Mark Warfield, husband of President Elect Lesley,  together with, Lorna Benham, Bev Billings, Margaret Galuszka, Ellie Gormley, Liz Leaver, Mary McCurry and Pat Nixon all had their heads down counting the proceeds which totalled over £3,900.00. The Bower is well known to Lichfield and is a festival held each spring on a bank holiday.  It is about 800 years old and the origins of the bower go back to the time of Henry II.  Most of the ancient features of the Bower still survive – the Court of arraye is held in the Guildhall, when the Mayor inspects the “men-at-arms” and the procession through the streets is led by Morris dancers and military bands.  The procession is made up of a series of floats the first one of which carries the Bower Queen and her deputy, followed by the prince and princess of the bower.  Other floats are manned by local firms and charitable organisations and the procession makes its way from Greenhill, to the Guildhall where the Queen receives her crown.  It then makes its way to Beacon Park where the fun continues. There is something for all the family, from market stalls, fun fair attractions and live music.  The proceeds from the procession collection are shared amongst the collectors and counters.  It is a service SI Lichfield have provided for many years and their share of the collection is used for their chosen charities.