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Quiz Night Raises over £500.00


Quizmaster Angela Reynolds


Lichfield Club held a Quiz Night at Curborough Community Centre on Saturday 8th June 2013.  Teams of up to 6 people competed in a quiz compiled by Founder Club President Angela Reynolds.


96 Question, covering 12 subjects together with two table top quiz sheets, certainly “stirred the grey matter” of the 82 participants.  Scores were updated after each round by President Donna, so contestants could keep abreast of their progress.  Quizzers were given a chance to re-fuel at the halfway point with a buffet of cold meat, cheese, pickle and French sticks.


The winning team each received a bottle of wine and the team with the lowest score received the booby prize – a wooden spoon.

‘Thinking caps on!’


It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, which raised a total profit of £521.21p.  This will be shared equally between Talking Newspapers (see club news 10/5/12) and Skirting Science a, a project organised by the Club together with STEMNET (see page skirting science project 2012)