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Spread the word to drive for change

Guests enjoy Auction - Michelle in foreground
Guests enjoy Auction – Michelle in foreground

On Friday evening 23 June, two of SI Lichfield and District Soroptimists, Dishi Attwood and Chris Corless were at the home of Michelle Frost to help her raise money for Eve’s Appeal, a charity (reg. no. 1091708) dedicated to striving for better detection and improved treatment of all five gynaecological cancers.

Invited friends and colleagues each paid £15.00 to come to a supper evening.  The auction between the main meal and pudding raised a further £126.00 bringing the total for the evening close to £600.00.

At the age of only 26 Michelle was diagnosed with cervical cancer and now at only 27 has been given a maximum of 6 months of life.  Her story led to a double page spread in the Sun Newspaper, where she is campaigning for women to be given a smear test earlier than the current policy of only at age 25.

Michelle was admitted to Katherine House Hospice on Thursday as she was in so much pain.  They are managing her care but agreed that she could come home for the event. She skipped the main meal but enjoyed the sticky toffee pudding so much she had an extra helping!  She was really appreciative of the evening and enjoyed the company of women who admire her bright spirit in the face of adversity.

Please help us spread this message to support the drive for changes in hospital practice.