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Midland Chase Presidents Cheque Presentation

Midland Chase Presidents present cheque to Gay Cox from Breakthough Breast Cancer

A Charity Ball organised by a team of Lichfield Soroptimists raised over £3,400.00 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.  Dishi Attwood, a Lichfield Soroptimist and current Regional Manager for Midland Chase, together with Presidents from Clubs within the Midland Chase Region, presented a cheque for £3416.00 to Gay Cox from Breakthrough at the Regions Annual Conference on Saturday 15 June 2013.  Gay Cox, who was diagnosed with breast cancer 17 years ago, gave a brief update on the progress of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and outlined hew forthcoming fundraising events.  Breakthrough  Breast Cancer is a UK charity dedicated to saving lives by finding the causes of breast cancer and improving detection, diagnosis, treatment and services.