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“Live below the Poverty Line” doubles contributions by Government Match Funding

A meal provided by Bev Haywood (right foreground) - total cost £1.20p
A meal provided by Bev Haywood (right foreground) – total cost £1.20p

The Lichfield & District Soroptimists, who took part in the poverty challenge, living on just £1.00 per day for 5 days, have raised £250.00.  The amount is made up of donations by club members, friends and their own contributions from what they would have spent on food during the five day period.

The money raised is going to Action Aid who has launched a fundraising campaign known as the “She Can Appeal” to help young women in developing countries overcome violence and poverty with government match funding worth up to £5m.  This will double our contribution to £500.00

All individual donations made to the campaign between 27 May and 25 June will be matched by the Department for International Development’s UK Aid Match scheme up to the value of £5m.

The campaign will provide telephone support for victims of violence to help women get legal advice and the charity will work with local women’s rights organisations to make communities safer. Millions of girls and women in developing countries live with the daily threat of violence, making it harder to complete their education or to earn a living.
Donations together with the match funding could improve security for over 60,000 girls and women living in some of the world’s poorest urban slums. Safety from violence will help them finish school, get a job and take control of their own lives, so they can lift themselves out of poverty for good.