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Breakthrough Breast Care Ball – £3400!!

Julie from 'Breastcare Babes'
Julie from ‘Breastcare Babes’

Once again, Lichfield Soroptimists put on a fine show and raised over £3000 for Breakthrough Breast Care.  The evening began with a champagne reception followed by a sumptuous meal.  The raffle and auction raised over £1500 down to the generosity of those who donated gifts and those who bought raffle tickets or bid for auction lots.

The Beatles tribute band played to a full dance floor!  They had plenty of ‘Beat’!

'The Beatless' - misnomer!!
‘The Beatless’ – misnomer!!


Kath and Lin had taken on the majority of the work and they did the club proud.  Do we dare ask them to plan another……..

Dishi and Lin
Dishi and Lin