Monday 3 October 2016
Blackburn Soroptimists held their annual Friendship Evening at Wilpshire Golf Club where they welcomed the Mayoress of Blackburn with Darwen, friends from other local organisations, including Red Rose Ladies, Blackburn Townswomen’s Guild, fellow Soroptimists from clubs in the North West area, Dara & Bob Gower from the Blackburn Foodbank and other friends.
Guests were given an informative and interesting presentation by Julia Goddard of Bees Ed in Kendal who gave a fascinating insight into “Gardening for Bees”, how habitat loss is the main causes of bee decline and how and what to grow to help in the survival of bees in this country.
As well as decorating the room with a “bee” theme, members organised all raffle prizes to be bee/honey related. Even the food served included honey in the recipes or introduced black and gold in the decoration. A quiz on bees was prepared by club member Anne Jackson. providing food for thought and challenging people’s knowledge.
A vote of thanks was given by Sue Biggs, Vice President of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland & member of Burnley Soroptimists.
The raffle raised £182 most of which was donated to the Blackburn Foodbank, with some going to other local charities.
The photos show President Elect Viv Wojciechowski in the bee- decorated room welcoming the guests, and a table displaying some of the raffle prizes.