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World Environment Day – 2024

World Environment Day – 2024

Yorkshire Soroptimists had a two pronged attack on litter for World Environment Day.  Seventeen members from six Yorkshire clubs, Leeds, Ilkley, Dewsbury, Selby, Scarborough, Malton & District and Wakefield met in Scarborough for the beach clean.  Ana from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust explained the importance of picking up cigarette ends and small pieces of plastic and polystyrene.  In Sheffield, members of SI Sheffield and SI Hallamshire joined forces to tackle the litter at Forge Dam.
What Yorkshire Soroptimists did on International Women’s Day 2024 #InspireInclusion

What Yorkshire Soroptimists did on International Women’s Day 2024 #InspireInclusion

All across the region Yorkshire Soroptimists were involved in a number of activities, here are just a few.  Bingley at their Community Kitchen.  Dewsbury, Garforth Elmet and Wakefield plus other community groups rallied together  through Dewsbury.   Harrogate held a 'Young Woman & Woman in the Community' awards.  Keighley held a careers event.  Richmond held a 'Women of Richmond' event.  Scarborough & Malton gave a number of talks on the History of Soroptimism.  Sheffield impersonated Emily Pankhurst on the Town Hall steps.
President Susie’s April Newsletter

President Susie’s April Newsletter


March has been a busy month! It was very appropriate that my first Charter Event should be my own Club’s 90th Celebration. At the Inaugural Dinner in 1934 members from Bradford, Halifax, Harrogate, Leeds and Sheffield had been present. It was fitting that these Clubs were in attendance again at the recent celebrations in addition to several other clubs from around the Region. SIGBI President Ruth Healey was also able to be there.   On the evening of International Women’s Day, I had the privilege of attending Harrogate and District’s Young Woman and Woman in the Community Awards. The nominees were truly inspirational. Presentations from Ruth Healey and Ruth Smith   (High Sheriff in Nomination North Yorkshire) were followed by a stirring performance from the Stray Notes Choir. During the daytime I had joined SI Dewsbury and District walking from Dewsbury Railway station to the Town

President Susie’s March Newsletter

President Susie’s March Newsletter


President’s March Newsletter February got off to a great start with a visit to S I Sheffield at Tapton Hall. It was interesting to be present at their business meeting. However, the main reason for my attendance was to join in with the celebration for Hilary Ratcliffe who has been awarded Honorary Membership of Soroptimist International. This is truly a great achievement. I also really enjoyed the cake that Daphne Cawthorne had made! I was due to visit SI Northallerton and District on 8th February but unfortunately the weather intervened. Judith Parsons had kindly offered to drive me but after discussions it was decided that the snowy weather had beaten us. I have rescheduled to visit them in March. I received a very warm welcome from SI Beverley and District. Instead of a speaker this month, we watched an archive film from the club. There

Have you seen a Soroptimist Orange Cafe?

Have you seen a Soroptimist Orange Cafe?


  The UNiTE campaign has proclaimed the 25th of each month as “Orange Day”, a day to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls. As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls. Orange Day calls upon activists, to mobilize people and highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls, not only once a year on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, but every month.  We asked members to wear Orange when they are out and about on the 25th.   And they did!   Have you seen them in a cafe near you? To find out more click on the link here.   

President Susie goes to SIGBI conference, her November newsletter

President Susie goes to SIGBI conference, her November newsletter


  PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2023 I feel very humbled and privileged to represent S I Yorkshire as President. Thank you to all who attended Conference, even though the logistics of a London Conference were difficult. I really appreciate all your kind words and support and I will endeavour to live up to your expectations. I would like to thank my Planning Team who have been so supportive and I know will help me going forward. I also appreciate the offers of help from previous Regional Presidents which I will definitely take up! The last few days in London have been so memorable. The presentations have been outstanding. Initial feelings of disappointment at the last-minute change of the keynote speaker were dispelled by an inspiring informal chat given by Monty Halls. Stepping into the breach, he gave a humorous, knowledgeable and inspiring talk. Due to his

Welcome from President Susie

Welcome from President Susie


Thank you for taking the time to view our website. As you are looking, I am sure that you are interested in making a difference. Soroptimist International is a Worldwide Women’s Service Organisation with 66,000 global members who aim to improve the lives of women and girls through giving service locally, nationally and internationally to educate, enable and empower. Soroptimist means “the best of sisters” and to be a Yorkshire Soroptimist also means to be part of an amazing group of passionate, motivated and proactive women who have an important identity. We also have a lot of fun. In July 2023 over 40 members travelled together by coach to the International Convention in Dublin where 1500 Soroptimists gathered from all over the world to be inspired by the presentations and talks and to chat with like minded people from some of the 120 countries with

From Asia to the UN

From Asia to the UN


SIGBI Director of Programme Action and Yorkshire Soroptimist Lindsay Green chats to Terry King, President of SI Leeds about her travels earlier in the year. Lindsay visited clubs in Asia and traveled on to the UN in New York. Of course you knew what CSW stood for – not all your communications group colleagues did! To find out more  click here

President Jane’s June Newsletter

President Jane’s June Newsletter


                                                                      The month of May began in style at SI Wakefield’s Coronation Party. This was swiftly followed by SI Selby’s lunch where Hilary demonstrated her acting/modelling talents. Excellent food, good company and a fascinating speaker made for a relaxing afternoon. On the following day SI Bingley hosted a lunch for Incoming Presidents. The sun shone and the room buzzed with conversation and smiles. I hope the incoming presidents found the event useful and I wish them well in establishing their chain gang and benefitting from the fellowship this can bring.   The 17th May found 48 members (and friends) from across the region enjoying the Friendship Day at Newby Hall. I

President Jane’s May newsletter

President Jane’s May newsletter


“But he calls down a blessing on the blossom of the may, because it comes in beauty and in beauty blows away.” W B Yeats Good morning everyone. I hope that you have all experienced an enjoyable May Bank Holiday weekend. April began with a lively and productive Regional Programme Action Meeting with most clubs being represented. I hope the ideas around the 16 Days of Action, court observations, the beach clean and Safe Places filtered back to everyone in our clubs. I hope you have all seen the Orange Café and Membership Poster sent out to you. The 2nd April and I enjoyed the hospitality of SI Skipton at their 73rd Charter Lunch. Ever looking for an opportunity to promote our work and gain support, it was good to see Linda Davis getting Councillor Simon Myers on our side with regard to Safe Places