Special dates.
The aim of the group has always been to raise awareness for the public about all issues relating to relationships and consent:
- by holding events around the Yorkshire area
- by producing resources for people to use to raise awareness to others
- by forming partnerships with others organisations who also work to reduce abuse of women and girls
- to keep Soroptimists well informed, supporting Yorkshire clubs in their actions especially on specific days.
These are:
- March 8th International Women’s Day
- October 18th Anti-slavery Day
- December 10th Human Rights Day
- the 25th of every month when we wear orange, the colour Soroptimist use to signify their opposition to violence against women
- November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the 16 Days of Activism which follow ending on December 10th
Violence Against Women – 16 Days of Activism
The 25th November has been recognised as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women since 1980, and adopted as such by the United Nations in 1999. The date was chosen to commemorate the deaths of the Mirabel Sisters in 1960. The sisters, Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa had been actively opposed to the cruel and systematic violence of the Trujillo dictatorship regime in the Dominican Republic. Because of their activities they were brutally beaten to death and their bodies dumped at the foot of a high cliff to make it look like a motoring accident. They became symbols of feminist resistance.
25th November to 10th December annually
The 16 Days of Activism between 25th November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and 10th December, Human Rights Day were specifically chosen to link violence against women and human rights, and to emphasise that gender-based violence is a violation of human rights. Within that time frame are other significant dates: 29th November – International Women Human Rights defender Day, 1st December – World AIDS Day
What is the purpose of the 16 Days campaign?

16 Days of Activism encourages individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence and to:
- Raise awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at local, national, regional and international levels
- Strengthen local work around gender-based violence against women
- Establish a clear link between local and international work to end gender-based violence against women
- Provide a forum in which organisers can develop and share new and effective strategies
- Demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world working against gender-based violence against women
- Create tools to allow governments to implement commitments to eliminate gender-based violence against women
Overall Theme
During the 16 Day. the overall theme in recent years has been ‘Orange the World’. Every year has a different theme:
2017 – Leave No One Behind,
2018 – Hear Me Too,
2019 – Generation Equality Stands Against Rape,
2020 – Unite. Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect.
2021 – End Violence Against Women Now.