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Speaker Meeting 11th October 2021: Bristol Blue Plaques and the Women they Honour – Lori Streich – The Bristol Civic Society

Speaker Meeting 11th October 2021: Bristol Blue Plaques and the Women they Honour – Lori Streich – The Bristol Civic Society


  Lori started by telling us that the Bristol Blue Plaque scheme was originally run by Bristol City Council but is now organised by the Bristol Civic Society.          The request for a plaque is put forward and the Society then researches the person to ensure that they are connected to the building and that their achievements warrant a plaque.  Sometimes they are people who have a low profile but have done amazing things.  The plaque is funded by the nominee and has to be approved through planning applications. There are plaques to individual women and sometimes more than one on the same plaque, Lori spoke of some women that we are familiar with and many more.  She showed us the plaque dedicated in July 2021, as part of our Centenary celebrations, to our very own Addison-Phillips.  She said “a plaque to

Three New Club Members in 2021 – Despite the Covid Pandemic

Three New Club Members in 2021 – Despite the Covid Pandemic


We are delighted that we have been able to induct three new members this year and we would like to welcome them to our club.    Lynda was inducted during the Covid restrictions and Jess as the restrictions were relaxed both of whom have already been active and joined in our events.  We are now having regular face-to-face Speaker Meetings and on the 11th October we were pleased that we could induct Andrea too.  Welcome to you all

100 years of Soroptimism in Bristol: SI Bristol Celebrate the planting an English Oak

100 years of Soroptimism in Bristol: SI Bristol Celebrate the planting an English Oak


  On 5th October 2021, Soroptimist International of Bristol were delighted to celebrate the planting of an English Oak tree donated to our Club to commemorate our Centenary and part of The Queen’s Green Canopy for her platinum jubilee.  This was a delayed celebration due to the Covid pandemic.       An Oak tree was chosen specifically because of its long life representing the long life of Soroptimism and the support it offers to others.  The tree was planted at Muller Road Recreational Ground in Bristol through Bristol City Council’s tree planting program. Our Club’s Centenary was in 2020, but due to the pandemic we were unable to meet as a group to see the tree and the commemorative plaque.   Club members present were President Sue, Past President Marion (in whose year the tree was planted), Ivete, Pauline, Lizzie, Yvonne, Liz and Lynda. 

SI Bristol (UK) joined SI Oakland (USA) to Celebrate 100 years – The First Soroptimist Club 

SI Bristol (UK) joined SI Oakland (USA) to Celebrate 100 years – The First Soroptimist Club 


  On the 3rd October at 9 pm BST (the middle of the day in Oakland) participants watched the proceeding (via Zoom) of an outdoor celebration by SI Oakland, the first Soroptimist Club chartered in October 1921.      SI Bristol chartered in 1920 preceded it and was known as a Venture Club along with a number of other Clubs.  Later the Venture Clubs and Soroptimist clubs merged.  See SI Bristol’s book “100 Yeas of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion” by Marion Reid for full details. Members at the actual event wore outfits based on the 1920s style. Representatives from their many friendship links from all over the world were there and we all introducing themselves saying a little bit about their clubs. Two new members were inducted and two new Friendship Links were announced and speakers told us of the wonderful work they are doing.  However, watching from

Soroptimist International Celebrates 100 Years in 2021: A Virtual Conference

Soroptimist International Celebrates 100 Years in 2021: A Virtual Conference


  Leading up to the Soroptimist International 100 Celebrations, we were invited to take part in a “Candle Ceremony” submitting a picture and four wishes (pictured left).           We joined many other clubs worldwide “lighting up the world in the name of a brilliant future”.         Soroptimist International Celebrates 100 Years: A Virtual Conference 2nd October (5-8pm BST):  An introduction was followed by an illustrated history of Soroptimism. We were pleased that the parallel existence of Venture Clubs was mentioned as SI Bristol was the first Venture Club established in 1920 later to become a Soroptimist Club Each of the five Federations described their achievements since the last Conference and their current projects.  Their impact on women and children globally, even during the coronavirus pandemic was impressive.  It was both eye-opening and eye-watering to hear the associated stories. The United

St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk Fundraiser: Thank you Yvonne, Liz N and Sally

St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk Fundraiser: Thank you Yvonne, Liz N and Sally


On 11th September Yvonne, Liz N and Sally represented SI Bristol on the St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk.  They had an enjoyable time and were up bright and early the next day for our 100 years celebratory tea.   Donations are still coming in and so please let us know if you’d like to make a donation.

Speaker Meeting 13th September 202: Kate Newnham from Bristol Museum and Art Gallery – Flowers in Japanese Art

Speaker Meeting 13th September 202: Kate Newnham from Bristol Museum and Art Gallery – Flowers in Japanese Art


Our first face to face speaker meeting since the beginning of the Covid restrictions was held in our new venue Redwood Audley.  We thank all of you who organised our move, we had a lovely meal and everything ran very smoothly. We welcomed Kate Newnham, from Bristol Museum and Art Gallery and she talked told us about “Flowers in Japanese Art”.  She told us about the connection between flowers and poetry, flowers and the Tea Ceremony and how animals and birds go together too.   She also told us how the blossoms and flowers of the seasons influence Japanese life and are a talking point when visiting homes etc. At the end of the evening President Sue (Immediate Past President Marion was there too), presented Bristol Museum with our lovely plate for safe keeping.  The plate was given to us by our Japanese Friendship Link Yuko

Celebratory Tea Party at Merchants Hall 12th September 2021: 100 Years of Sisterhood

Celebratory Tea Party at Merchants Hall 12th September 2021: 100 Years of Sisterhood


On the 12th September 2021 we celebrated 100 years of Sisterhood.  Due to the Covid restrictions it was delayed by a year.  More than 60 guests arrived at Merchants Hall for an amazing afternoon tea.  The guests included Peaches Golding Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Bristol also an honorary member of SI Bristol.  Other guests, included President John Hirst, from our co-founders, the Rotary Club of Bristol and Sue Murphy Chair of the Avon WI Federation.  Of course there were guests from Soroptimist Clubs of Bath, Cheltenham, Cirencester, St Austell, and Weston-super-Mare.  Our Regional President Elect, Jackie Collins, from Yeovil was there too, along with many members, current and former of our Bristol Club together with some partners. Maureen organised the day along with Pauline C who made an amazing celebratory cake which was cut by our longest serving member Anne

What did we do during the Summer of 2021!

What did we do during the Summer of 2021!


The Just so Stories: Another visit to The Watermill Theatre, Newbury On the 2nd September Ruth organised another successful outing.  We returned to the Watermill theatre, where we have been before, in time for lunch.  This was very well organised outside in their lovely garden.  The stage had been brought outside too and so we enjoyed the performance on a lovely sunny day shaded by the trees.  It was so enjoyable that we hope Ruth will take us there again in the foreseeable future. Tyntesfield:  Guided Walk On August 24th, SI Bristol members visited Tyntesfield, for a guided tree walk of magnificent British Isles and County Champion tree specimens with Chris Watts.  Chris had introduced us to the trees earlier in the yea via Zoom.  It was lovely seeing them at the lovely estate so near to our homes.  Thank you Pauline H for organising

So similar yet so far apart: SI Bristol and SI Oakland Founder Clubs

So similar yet so far apart: SI Bristol and SI Oakland Founder Clubs


So similar yet so far apart: In 2020, the Soroptimist International of Bristol (originally known as Venture Club) in the UK celebrated its centenary. In October 2021, the Soroptimist International of Oakland in the USA celebrates its centenary. There are an amazing number of similarities, and a few differences, between the two Clubs. Similarities between Founder Presidents Somewhat unusual for the early 1920s, the Founder Presidents had received a high level of education and had careers in education. Miss Eleanor Addison Phillips in Bristol, taught history and sports. Miss Violet Richardson in Oakland taught physical education and health. They were humanitarians and known for treating all their students with dignity and respect, seeking to bring out the best of each one of them. They were also keen walkers. Both Eleanor and Violet were approached by contemporaries to preside over their respective clubs. With their indomitable