Speaker Meeting 11th October 2021: Bristol Blue Plaques and the Women they Honour – Lori Streich – The Bristol Civic Society
Lori started by telling us that the Bristol Blue Plaque scheme was originally run by Bristol City Council but is now organised by the Bristol Civic Society. The request for a plaque is put forward and the Society then researches the person to ensure that they are connected to the building and that their achievements warrant a plaque. Sometimes they are people who have a low profile but have done amazing things. The plaque is funded by the nominee and has to be approved through planning applications. There are plaques to individual women and sometimes more than one on the same plaque, Lori spoke of some women that we are familiar with and many more. She showed us the plaque dedicated in July 2021, as part of our Centenary celebrations, to our very own Addison-Phillips. She said “a plaque to