Cannock Soroptimists are delighted to work with St Giles Hospice to promote a new service in the Cannock area.
It is recognised that often, following successful cancer treatment, people are encouraged to ‘go and get on with their lives’ – but it isn’t always that easy. For many, their bodies and their lives are changed forever. Added to that, having been at the centre of a treatment plan they suddenly find themselves with no-one to talk to – at least, no one who can fully understand and offer the support they need.
This is why St Giles Hospice, in partnership with Breast Friends, Sutton Coldfield, set up a self referral clinic – used in the main by women, though partners are welcome too – where those who have recovered from cancer can talk about personal and intimate concerns in a safe environment. The clinic has proved a huge success – and the service is now to be extended to cover the Cannock Chase area. And that’s where Cannock Soroptimists come in. The Club is organising a day when anyone who would like to know more about the service: how it works, what it has to offer, can come along and talk to St Giles staff and previous and current users of the service.
Two sessions will be held on Wednesday 1st April 2020, both at St Luke’s Church Centre, Cannock. An afternoon session will run from 2.30 – 4.00pm and an evening session between 6.00 and 7.30pm. People are invited to come for all or part of the time; refreshments will be served and short presentations will be given about the clinic; currently there are plans to hold monthly clinics in Rugeley and in Cannock.One woman who accessed the service in Sutton Coldfield said: “You go through all your treatment and then you feel dropped – there isn’t anything out there afterwards and it’s the time you need it the most” whilst another said: “I didn’t realise what I was feeling was normal and there is help out there, I don’t feel so alone”.
There will also be representatives of other groups present on April 1st to give advice as necessary, confirmed to date are: Look Good Feel Better – Make-up Workshops; Get Active after Cancer – Cannock and Rugeley Leisure Centres; Staffordshire Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service provided by Disability Solutions. There is no need to book – just come along! Soroptimists want to spread the word to as many as they possibly can; at some point in our lives most of us will know someone who will benefit from this help and support.
For more information about the clinic please phone Jacquie Shingler at St Giles 01543 434510