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SI Cannock Members Attend Region Conference

Cannock & District Soroptimist Club is part of Midland Chase Region – which currently comprises 8 clubs. Each year the Region holds a conference giving club members the chance to meet and hear excellent speakers all speaking around the Region President’s theme.

This year 13 members of Cannock club attended the conference, held at Brocton Hall Golf Club and, as usual, it was an interesting and thought provoking day.

Region President Lyn Shiel, a member of SI Tamworth, had chosen as her theme: Stay Positive, Work Hard and Make It Happen! Her speakers demonstrated how they do exactly that!

Charlotte Candy’s title was How Women Can Thrive in the Construction Industry – she is currently a leading Risk Assessment manager working on national and international projects and has had to challenge some outdated assumptions.

Beverley Gilbert has challenged stereotypes for most of her life; she is now a senior lecturer in gender-based violence. In a voluntary capacity she has set up Cohort4, a Community of Women, in North Warwickshire, helping to address the global epidemic of violence and abuse towards women which is on our own doorstep.

Dr Catherine Morris [originally from Tamworth] and Dr Mary Cusack work in India, where they have set up a charity “Love the One” providing love, health care and food for women and children, realizing that to really make a difference they have to implement changes in society.

Soroptimists were also delighted to welcome Past SIGBI Federation President and Past International President Ann Garvie to speak – she’s always a welcome visitor. She spoke of the project she led See Solar, Cook Solar which enabled women to not only provide for their families but also, in many instances, set themselves up in business to fully support their families.  She also spoke of the enormous amount of money made by traffickers from their trafficking of human beings – certainly something we need to be concerned about.

There were serious moments, upsetting moments, uplifting moments and fun moments; everyone left with renewed energy to Stay Positive, Work Hard and continue to Make Things Happen!

Photo attached:  members of SI Cannock & District at the Midland Chase Region Conference.