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69 Years and Counting!

Cannock and District Soroptimists celebrated their 69th Charter at a dinner with members, family and friends – many from other clubs within the Midland Chase Region – at The Barns, Huntington.

Almost 100 enjoyed the evening, hosted by Lead Team President Carole Holdcroft who thanked all club members who have been part of the Team of Presidents for the last year– they had either led a meeting, organised an event – or both!  She welcomed everyone to the Annual Dinner and Lynne Eagle, President of Cannock’s mother club, SI Bilston responded on behalf of the guests.

The evening was organised by Soroptimist Jill Gooch and her team with club members being involved with many aspects of the evening. The Chairman of Cannock and District Ladies Probus Anne Bumford made the toast to Soroptimist International with Region President Michelle Daws responding and praising Cannock club for all of the work they do to support women and girls.  She said that she was particularly impressed by the fact that all 28 club members were involved in one way or another!

Team President Carole introduced the speaker for the evening, Victoria Hawley, High Sherriff of Staffordshire. Victoria, in her words ‘a teacher by trade’ kept her audience enthralled as she shared aspects of the role of a High Sherriff and also how she had found herself invited to take on the prestigious position.  When sharing some of the things she has done over the year she said how very impressed she has been by all the wonderful things going on in Staffordshire – many of them ‘hidden’ as people quietly go about their voluntary work, making life better for others wherever they can.

Cannock Soroptimists are looking forward to another fabulous year as they help women and girls in so very many ways.

Photo: l to r: Anne Bumford, Chair Cannock & District Ladies Probus; Carole Holdcroft, Lead Team President, SI Cannock & District; Lynne Eagle, President, SI Bilston & District; Victoria Hawley, High Sherriff of Staffordshire