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Bras and Toiletries needed!

Pre-owned Bras are needed!

SI Cannock is continuing to work with the Purple Teardrop campaign to support women victims of trafficking.  When trafficked women have been rescued it is vital to enable them to start to earn a living and secure their place within the community and also minimise the risk of their being trafficked again.

Soroptimists, through Purple Teardrop, are working to help women and girls in Mozambique, Uganda and El Salvador to start businesses selling used bras – bras are seen as a status symbol and sell for a good price in these countries.

On Saturday July 2nd members of SI Cannock will be present at St Luke’s Church Fayre and will be accepting any donations of bras – which need to be in a reasonable and clean condition – to send on to help the women victims of trafficking start a new life.  The collection point will be available on the lawn in front of the church between and 3.00pm.

The stand will also be a collection point for toiletries to be donated to the refuge for women victims of domestic violence run by the Pathway Project.  Shampoo, soap, toothpaste, female hygiene items  – any of the basic essentials which women need. Women often leave an abusive relationship taking absolutely nothing with them.  Soroptimists provide toiletries and other items which can be given to the women when they first enter the Refuge so that they can have some dignity.

SI Cannock will be very grateful for any donations of toiletries and bras which will then enable women in need to begin to rebuild their lives.

Should you have items to donate but not be able to go to St Luke’s on 2nd July, please contact or phone 07971 494510 to arrange collection.

bras photo

Photo: l to r:  Soroptimists Sue Cartlidge, Val Jones, June Bould, Carole Holdcroft [President SI Cannock & District]; Kate Young