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I will say this only once…

A great night was had by all at The Ello Ello Fundraiser for Sefton Young Carers….

Sables du Blundell was a stopping off point for some British tourists who didn’t know there was a war on !

Their coach broke down close to Renes cafe and, taking shelter, they were treated to a quiz with questions read by Genevieve La Rue of the Resistance – who did tell them twice in her excellent English !!.Questionable singing came from Madame Edith determined to inflict her repertoire of uplifting songs on them whilst accompanied at the piano by Mlle Leplinqueplonque. German officers arrived but as it was their day off they were not too threatening! Even the Fallen Madonna put in an appearance.

There was some misunderstanding about having to raise funds for bribes to release Rene from the grip of the enemy but it was cleared up and luckily funds raised can be now forwarded to Sefton Young Carers.