9 members visited our friendship link club SI Viareggio Versilia in Italy, https://www.soroptimist.it/club/viareggio-versilia/attivita/ enjoying a busy time with social events and exchange of ideas about projects with our Italian Soroptimist sisters.

We heard about their award winning project to improve confidence and safety for blind and partially sighted women by teaching self defence. Viareggio member Sara was instrumental in developing this project.
We visited the skyline plaque at the harbour commissioned by Viareggio members and inspired by a similar plaque on Grange Promenade.

We were very moved by a visit to a mural – binar10 commissioned by SI Viareggio to commemorate the terrible freight train explosion which killed 32 people in the vicinity of Viareggio station and left many more badly injured. Famous artists gave their services free and the Soroptimists helped with expenses. See the photos [new_royalslider id=”15″]
We talked about our own projects including Singing for Memory Singing for Memory and our work in the Sensory garden Work on the Sensory Garden.
If you would like to know more about our club or would like to join CONTACT US
Members enjoyed excellent hospitality and various organised events including La Boheme at the Puccini festival, including a back stage tour and a reception at the home of Nannina a member of SI Viareggio where members from both clubs discussed their projects and activities.
There was also time to enjoy the beach, sightseeing in Viareggio and the medieval town of Lucca.