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Swimathon for ShelterBox March 14th 2020

Swimathon for ShelterBox March 14th 2020

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Grange Soroptimists  swam in the 2020 Swimathon in Kendal, swimming 102 lengths in 55 minutes and raising £274  for ShelterBox, which provides relief for victims of disasters. Club members have swum in the Swimathon for over 25 years and for ShelterBox since 2009 supplying over 10 ShelterBoxes which have been deployed all over the world including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Japan. Women and girls tend to be most affected in disaster areas The team members enjoyed a delicious meal afterwards at the home of club member Sheila. If you would like to find out more contact Grange Soroptimists CONTACT US
What did Grange Soroptimists do in November to help Barrow women’s Centre?

What did Grange Soroptimists do in November to help Barrow women’s Centre?

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An appeal to the people in Grange produced 178 bags of bedding and clothes for Barrow Women’s  which was sorted within 2 hours and despatched to the Centre within the next week.   It was quite an undertaking and we are most grateful to St Charles’ Church for the use of the Father Magner Room and the generosity of the public. The items are given out at the Women’s centre for those in need particularly when being rehoused after domestic violence.

What did Grange Soroptimists do to support Springfield Women’s Refuge in Kendal ?

What did Grange Soroptimists do to support Springfield Women’s Refuge in Kendal ?

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60 Members and guests enjoyed Burns night in Cartmel Village Hall and raised £545 for Springfield Women’s Refuge in Kendal.     The refuge provides a secure home for women fleeing domestic violence. Aided by our excellent piper Ewen Cameron , thoughtful and amusing speeches by Jeanette Duckworth, Mike Gibbons  and  Janice Carrick and superb food by Sheila  the evening went with a swing.

“Magic of Christmas” Flower Demonstration evening with Joan Bentley Nov 28th 2019

“Magic of Christmas” Flower Demonstration evening with Joan Bentley Nov 28th 2019

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84  women  both Soroptimists and guests gathered at Ulverston Sports and Social Club to enjoy an evening  with Joan Bentley  who entertained and educated us while producing gorgeous flower arrangements which were then raffled for charity. The evening raised at least £500 for charities supported by SI Grange over Sands and a good evening was had by all, including a super finger buffet.

Spreading Peace and Soroptimist aims at Christmas Tree Festival

Spreading Peace and Soroptimist aims at Christmas Tree Festival

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Our hot air balloon Christmas tree which was the idea of Club member Jeanette  caused some consternation at the St Paul’s Christmas Tree Festival! The theme was Christmas around the World so we wanted to promote our aims and work. We work using the United Nations 5P’s – People, Planet, Partnerships, Prosperity and Peace so our balloon is travelling across the world with a message of Peace. We had fun making it as well!
What did Grange Soroptimists do with Masterchef Winner Irini Tzortzoglou to help “Growing Well”

What did Grange Soroptimists do with Masterchef Winner Irini Tzortzoglou to help “Growing Well”

75 Soroptimists and guests from the North West Region enjoyed an inspiring talk by Irini Tzortzoglou Masterchef Winner 2019 on Saturday 16th November at Cartmel Village Hall. Proceeds from the event will go to Growing Well. This is a mental heath charity, organic farm and training centre near Kendal , supporting adults with mental health problems. Irini talked about her Masterchef journey and the fun, friendship and hard work involved. It was great for Soroptimists to hear of the bond between the 3 female finalists and Irini observing that we can achieve so much, not just as women but as women of 60, as she won Masterchef at that age! The afternoon was rounded off with a marvellous afternoon tea and we have raised £415 for Growing Well. Several members then went  with Irini in December to present the cheque to Growing well The
What are Grange Soroptimists doing to help Period Poverty?

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to help Period Poverty?


4 Club members visited Barrow women’s Centre to see the centre and deliver Sanitary products purchased with some of the proceeds from the afternoon tea in August. Period poverty is a major problem for women and girls on low incomes and those who attend Barrow Women’s Centre can access sanitary items on site and to take home if necessary.

SIGBI Conference Bournemouth Oct 24-26th 2019

SIGBI Conference Bournemouth Oct 24-26th 2019


Ten club members went to the SIGBI Conference in Bournemouth and were doubly proud as club member Rosemary Hoyle was installed as Regional President and Singing for Memory won the Federation Best Practice award in the Food Security and Healthcare category. Janice gave an excellent presentation on Singing for Memory to the Conference and really highlighted our project and demonstrated why we were chosen from at least 800 other projects!  Three members acted as stewards over the 3 days. A good time was had by all with excellent speakers, projects and fun including a visit to the Rocky Horror show and walks along the beach.

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to mark Anti Slavery Day on October 18th?

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to mark Anti Slavery Day on October 18th?

Worldide there are an estimated 40 million slaves with 13,000 in the UK. Soroptimists are working to try and stamp out slavery, including  marching in Blackpool on 12th October to raise awareness, writing to our MP about the Modern Slavery ( Victim Support) Bill which has still not had its 2nd reading in the Commons. We have signed the petition asking for mandatory  licencing of Car Washes  . You can help If you want to find out about Modern Day Slavery see our page  Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking