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What did Grange Soroptimists do to raise awareness of Modern Day Slavery?

What did Grange Soroptimists do to raise awareness of Modern Day Slavery?

On Saturday 21st September Grange Soroptimists joined Soroptimists from Lancaster, Preston and Pendleside to march through Lancaster raising awareness of Modern Day Slavery. This was part of a Anti Slavery Roadshow organised by the Pan Lancashire Anti Slavery partnership. More people are held in slavery worldwide than at any time in human history and it is happenning in the UK. We must be aware and report our suspicions to the Modern slavery Helpline, Crimestoppers or the Police. For more information see Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking If you want further information about our club or would like to join Grange soroptimists CONTACT US
How did the Soroptimists turn Trash into Treasure on August 17th ?

How did the Soroptimists turn Trash into Treasure on August 17th ?

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Following the very successful Beach Clean 2 weeks ago and blessed with sunny but windy weather Grange Soroptimists were out on the Promenade talking with the public of all ages about plastic and with ideas of how to tackle the problem. There was a treaure hunt, educational stalls about plastics, packaging, recycling and of course creating an art work from plastic found at the beach clean.What are Grange Soroptimists doing to help the Environment? The Soroptimists are  most grateful to the following people who joined them for the afternoon: Hannah Barnes from Love my Beach  ( Morecambe Bay Partnership) who demonstrated issues with plastic in the Marine environment Cat Moffat from Cut the Wrap shop in Ulverston who showed ways to cut plastic usage in day to day life Jeni McConnell, Global Ecobricks trainer  showing how to make Ecobricks and Andrew

Afternoon Tea for Barrow Women’s Centre August 9th 2019

Afternoon Tea for Barrow Women’s Centre August 9th 2019

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A delicious afternoon tea was enjoyed on August 9th and raised £201 for Barrow Women’s Centre to tackle “Period Poverty” Some facts about Period Poverty 1 in 10 girls can’t afford to buy menstrual products according to Plan International UK. Over 137,000  children the UK have missed school because of period poverty. Menstrual products cost more than £18,000  in a women’s life (£13 every month).

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to help the Environment?

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to help the Environment?

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On August 3rd  Grange Soroptimists  with Hannah Barnes from  the Morecambe Bay Partnership organised  a Beach clean and  were astounded that 50 people turned out  to pick up litter on Grange foreshore to improve the marine environment. 46.5 Kg of rubbish was collected in 2 hours!  This was a very appropriate project as July 27th - Aug 11th is National Marine week.   The Soroptimists  will be on  the Promenade, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7DH between the two cafes on Saturday 17th August  2 - 4 pm for the "From Trash to Treasure"  event ( weather permitting)! This will use  some of the items collected to produce a work of art. ALL WELCOME especially children ( must be accompanied by an adult) For enquiries contact: 07814 207889 Come and find the treasure on the Grange promenade and collect your reward . Learn simple ways to
What did members do on their visit to Viareggio 19th – 23rd July 2019?

What did members do on their visit to Viareggio 19th – 23rd July 2019?

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9 members visited our friendship link club SI Viareggio Versilia in Italy, enjoying a busy time with social events and exchange of ideas about projects with our Italian  Soroptimist sisters. We heard about their award winning project to improve confidence and safety for blind and partially sighted women by teaching self defence. Viareggio member Sara was instrumental in developing this project. We visited the skyline plaque at the harbour  commissioned by Viareggio members and inspired by a similar plaque on Grange Promenade.   We were very moved by a visit to  a mural – binar10 commissioned by SI Viareggio to commemorate the terrible freight train explosion which killed 32 people in the vicinity of Viareggio station and left many more badly injured. Famous artists gave their services free and the Soroptimists helped with expenses. See the photos [new_royalslider id=”15″] We talked about our own

Outing to Wreay Sat 5th July 2019

Outing to Wreay Sat 5th July 2019

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In glorious sunshine a group of members set off for their summer outing.  Their destination was Wreay, a tiny village just south of Carlisle where they had arranged to meet one of the “Twelve Men” of Wreay to learn about a remarkable woman, Sarah Losh, and to see her work in St Mary’s Church.  Sarah lived from 1786 to 1853; she was highly educated and, together with her sister, well travelled throughout France, Italy and Germany.  Her family were wealthy landowners, and her father regularly entertained Coleridge and Wordsworth.   When her sister Catherine died, Sarah sought permission from the church authorities to rebuild the derelict church in her memory, ‘on condition that I should be left unrestricted as to the mode of building it’.  Surprisingly she was given permission.  Using local materials and local workmen, she designed a simple but highly unusual chapel, filled with

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to tackle FGM?

What are Grange Soroptimists doing to tackle FGM?

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Grange Soroptimists make bracelets for Grange  midwife Cath Holland who is pivotal in eradicating FGM ( Female Genital Mutilation) in  Pokot in Kenya. She founded a charity Beyond FGM and works with others to prevent FGM. Cath spoke about FGM and her work at the NW Soroptimists Regional meeting and was presented with  bracelets by Grange and Lancaster Soroptimists. The bracelets are given to the girls at their  alternative Rite of Passage ceremony.   WHAT IS FGM? Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, including the clitoris and labia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The harmful effects of FGM can include haemorrhage, shock, sepsis, psychological trauma and even death. The practice is mostly carried out by traditional circumcisers, who often play other central roles in communities, such

Wellbeing Evening 4th June 2019

Wellbeing Evening 4th June 2019

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Grange Soroptimists had a most  relaxing and enjoyable evening with taster sessions of yoga, circle dancing and relaxation with Cathy Lubelska, Helen Brooks and Tracey Fielding. This was part of our programme fitting in with Soroptimists in the UK  who are concentrating on Mental Health with their  SoroptimistsThinkOnIt campaign Some Shocking Statistics 29% of women have mental health issues compared with 17% of men. 30-60% of women with mental health problems have experienced domestic violence. 2/3 of dementia cases are women. 1 in 12 young women self-harm. 20% of women have PTSD compared to 8 % of men. 56% of young trafficked survivors have depression. Statistics from The Mental Health Foundation. This time it was our chance to improve our mental health after working to help others in the community Singing for Memory Team celebrate their 5th year If you would like information about joining