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Dresses for Africa

Our sewing bee project goes from strength to strength and Mansfield Club are interested in making some dresses.  Next week Chris and I are taking over 50 dresses and 10 skirts for ladies to Hertfordshire for their onward journey to Lusaka in Zambia.  So Tuesday saw the pair of us using the opportunity of meeting up to sew at the same time!  This photo is one from the Kori Project and the dresses were made by Ann, a non-Soroptimist who wanted to help.  She also made washable sanitary towels and bags to take them to school and back.  Gill of SI Thames Valley reports that the girls have suddenly become taller and slimmer so need some longer length dresses next!

We are not expert at sewing and Soroptimism is not really a craft based organisation but so many clubs have seen this need and, of course, the global network we have makes sure that the items get to those who need them.  What we are good at is working together, never being lost for words and if we can produce something at the same time, well it is win win!

Girls in Sierra Leone
Girls in Sierra Leone