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Pathway Coffee Morning

Pathway Coffee Morning


When Pathway held a Coffee Morning on 27th July 2013, Lichfield Soroptimists were there to help with setting up the room, sorting and displaying the book stall and arranging the tombola stand.  Later they helped to sell tombola tickets, books and serve drinks and delicious cakes baked by the staff of Pathway.  SI Lichfield has a long association with Pathway and these events, which SI Lichfield support, helps Pathway to raise funds to enable them to continue the excellent work they do.  Mornings this like also serve to educate the public and raise awareness of the issues involved with domestic violence.

Gold at Scarecrow Festival

Gold at Scarecrow Festival


At a Business meeting hosted by SI Cannock & District, Lichfield Club were asked if they would like to enter a Scarecrow in St Luke’s Church Fete on Saturday 13 July 2013.   The Scarecrow Festival was an opportunity to promote clubs or organisations to the local community, so not wishing to pass up a challenge we agreed to take part. The theme was Nursery Rhyme Characters so we decided to enter ‘Little Bo Peep’ dressed in Soroptimist Blue and Yellow, complete with crook and lost sheep!  Cannock SI chose ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ complete with downpipe and rain to flush him out.   There were 27 exhibits in all, from schools, clubs, charities and business organisations.       The Fete was well attended and the sunshine we had enjoyed the previous week at the Lichfield Festival continued. So much so, visitors were keen to enjoy the

AGM Wednesday 10th July 2013

AGM Wednesday 10th July 2013


It was an example of ‘Tempus Fugit’ that the AGM of SI Midland Chase took place on Wednesday 10 July 2013 as it really did not seem 12 months since the last one!  Regional President Dishi Attwood, now 9 months through her year as President and Lichfield President Donna Cope, welcomed Soroptimists from 12 of the regional clubs, to the Terrace Restaurant, Brownhills.  After a delicious two course meal, the AGM commenced at 8.30pm and included reports from the present Officers.  Margaret Galuszka, founder member and present honorary secretary of Lichfield Club, was elected as Secretary for SI Midland Chase Region and will take over from Cherril Pritchard in November 2013.   Dishi reflected on her year to date and advised that her final Regional Meeting as President would be hosted by Staffordshire Moorlands in September 2013.  Dishi will hand over her Chain of Office to

Festival Market Scorcher

Festival Market Scorcher


Lichfield Soroptimists were out in force for this years’ Festival Market on Saturday 6 July 2013.  In addition to their ever popular ping pong game, punters could also try ‘Guessing the Name of the Rabbit’ or chancing their luck with the Straw Tombola.  The Festival Market is a long-standing event for the Lichfield Club and it is always a pleasure to meet families who return year on year.  One of the attractions is that everyone wins a prize on the Ping Pong game so there are no disappointed youngsters (or Adults for that matter). In stark contrast to last year, when rain stopped play, the sun blazed down all day and the Gazebo felt more like an oven than shade from the heat!  Takings for the day were £320.00 and after paying for the stall hire we made a profit of £265.00 for our local

Enlightening talk by Club Member Brenda

Enlightening talk by Club Member Brenda


Brenda Gray, who became a member of Lichfield & District Soroptimists in January 2013, gave the Club an enlightening talk about her work in Uganda, at the Kamuli Mission Hospital.   Brenda is a Trustee of the Uganda Childbirth Injuries Fund (Registered Charity No. 1099135).  The Charity, which was set up in 2001 by Dr Brian Hancock and Dr Mhari Collie FRCS, is one which President Donna has selected to support for her year. The priority of the charity is to:- 1) Pay for women to have free treatment (£150.00 covers the cost of one patient)   2) Purchase sutures and instruments not available locally 3) Support travel costs of those performing and learning the surgery. Brenda, a theatre nurse, described how in Uganda and other poor countries women deliver at home or far from medical help.  If the woman develops obstruction in labour it can lead to death

Not Quite Formula One!

Not Quite Formula One!


A further example of the ‘hands on’ service we provide, involved club member Bev Billings helping out at the 7th Staffordshire Goblin Event, at Seighford Activity Centre on Wednesday 3 July 2013.  Year 4 and 5 pupils from schools in Staffordshire build and race their battery operated kit cars against other schools in a series of races including, Time Trials, Sprint Events, Slalom and Drag Event.   Greenpower Goblin Cars is an exciting project with numerous learning opportunities.  The car kits designed for Primary Schools involve pupils in areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.   Schools sometimes see lack of expertise and support as a stumbling block however STEM centre provide Ambassadors who can give the necessary support. Lichfield Soroptimists have 9 fully trained STEM Ambassadors with further members undergoing training this year (See article on Cosford Air Show).  The projects they are involved with, including

70th Celebration 40’s Style

70th Celebration 40’s Style


    As part of their 70th Anniversary celebration, SI Bilston & District hosted an Afternoon Tea at Worfield Village Hall, Bridgenorth on Saturday 29th June 2013. Regional President Dishi Attwood and friend Kate together with club members Chris Corless and Bev Billings went along from SI Lichfield.    With food and entertainment reflecting the 1940’s, guests were invited to come along in outfits from this era.  Many Soroptimists dressed for the occasion and guests were treated to a tea of drinks, sandwiches and a huge array of homemade cakes.  Music from the 40’s and 50’s was provided by Sarah Raymond and Marc Andrews, better known as the duo “String of Pearls”.  It was not long before everyone was singing along to songs from an era all too many of them could remember!! All profits from the event went to Spurgeons Young Carers Project, one

Midland Chase Presidents Cheque Presentation

Midland Chase Presidents Cheque Presentation


A Charity Ball organised by a team of Lichfield Soroptimists raised over £3,400.00 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.  Dishi Attwood, a Lichfield Soroptimist and current Regional Manager for Midland Chase, together with Presidents from Clubs within the Midland Chase Region, presented a cheque for £3416.00 to Gay Cox from Breakthrough at the Regions Annual Conference on Saturday 15 June 2013.  Gay Cox, who was diagnosed with breast cancer 17 years ago, gave a brief update on the progress of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and outlined hew forthcoming fundraising events.  Breakthrough  Breast Cancer is a UK charity dedicated to saving lives by finding the causes of breast cancer and improving detection, diagnosis, treatment and services.

Syria Crisis Appeal

Syria Crisis Appeal


One million refugees have left Syria and half of them are children.  Many are living in makeshift refugee camps with nothing to their names.  A Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) has been launched and OXFAM through UKPAC has asked every club to help in any way they can.  SIGBI have made a donation of £2,000.00.  It only costs £20.00 for OXFAM to provide two single bed mattresses to sleep on; the alternative is, more often than not, a freezing cold and wet floor.  This is only one of the many problems facing these people. £10.00 could help provide shelter for families and £50 a set of winter clothes for a family Past President Chris Corless thought a fitting way to raise money for this appeal was for Lichfield Club members to take part in the Global Poverty Project and live below the poverty line on £1.00

Brownies prepare for Fathers Day

Brownies prepare for Fathers Day


Club members helped local Brownies make Fathers Day presents on Thursday 13 June.  Mobile phone holder kits which required stitching and decorating kept the 7th Lichfield Brownies busy for most of the evening.  President Donna had also brought some torch making kits from the STEMNET stand which nicely finished off their craft session.  This is another example of the ‘Hands on Service’ that Lichfield Soroptimists undertake throughout the year.