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22 February Race Night

22 February Race Night


Our Race Night at Elford Village Hall raised £1472.50p which will be divided equally between Breakthrough Breast Cancer and Target Ovarian Cancer.  Representatives from both charities will collect their cheques at our meeting on March 13th.

Library Christmas Tree

Library Christmas Tree


The club was asked to participate in the Community Christmas Tree project at the library. With a great deal of help and support from our queen of crafts – Bev Billings – Snowmen and Christmas Tree ornaments containing information about SI Lichfield and Soroptimist International now adorn our Soroptimist Tree in the Library on the 2nd floor.

5th December 2012 – Xmas Dinner and Cheque Presentation

5th December 2012 – Xmas Dinner and Cheque Presentation


SI Lichfield dined in style at the Darnford Moors Golf Club for their annual Xmas Dinner on Wednesday 5th December,2012. Prior to the evening meal President Chris inducted new member Pauline Shields to the club, taking our membership to 31.                         This was followed by a cheque presentation of £2368.00 to David Haynes, the Lichfield Poppy Appeal Organiser.                               The evening finished with a musical finale from Liz Leaver and her fellow singers from Cantabile.          

Wednesday 7th November ‘Skirting Science’ Event

Wednesday 7th November ‘Skirting Science’ Event


SI Lichfield club, in partnership with the Staffordshire STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Centre at Staffordshire University are organising a ‘Skirting Science’ event at the Lichfield Campus. Year 9 girls from local schools have been invited to attend a serious of workshops to enhance their awareness of opportunities for study and careers in STEM subjects. WHY?  Here are some of the reasons: 46% of English schools sent no girls on to study A-level Physics last year. Only 7% of engineers are women. Only 3% of engineering technicians are women, conpared to 5% in 2008. Men are 6 times more likely than women to work in STEM. Less than 20% of academic professors are female. Only 5% of Nobel Laureates are women; Dorothy Hodgkin is the sole British female recipient of a Nobel price for science.

Visitors from SI Kaarst

Visitors from SI Kaarst


Lichfield welcomed 8 members of SI Kaarst from Germany this weekend. They arrived on Friday in time to attend the Regional Change of Insignia dinner and see Lichfield club member Dishi Attwood take office as the Midland Chase Regional President. On Saturday club members accompanied our German visitors on a tour of the city and Cathedral, followed by a visit to the German Cemetery on the Chase, after which they were treated to a typically English afternoon tea at a restaurant on Cannock Chase. After a short rest it was of to President Chris’s house for an American supper and more chatting and laughs. On Sunday it was Brunch at the Spark Cafe in Lichfield and then off to Birmingham Airport. The whole weekend was enjoyed by all, giving Lichfield club members an opportunity to learn about service projects SI Kaarst are involved in supporting

29th September 2012 – Bulb Planting at the National Memorial Arboretum

29th September 2012 – Bulb Planting at the National Memorial Arboretum


  Club members from SI Lichfield joined over 150 Soroptimists from all over the country at the National Memorial Arboretum to plant spring bulbs amongst the trees in the War Widows’ Wood. It was a lovely autumn day, cool but sunny, perfect for a bit of gardening. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed the day, meeting old friends, making new ones, with many promising to come back in the spring to see the fruits of their labour.

Summer Evening in Buzzards Valley

Summer Evening in Buzzards Valley


22 August 2012 A visit to the Buzzards Valley Winery proved to be a very successful summer social event. We were given a warm welcome by the staff at Buzzards Valley Winery, treated to a tour of the winery and given a presentation about the history of Buzzards Valley and the complexities of wine making; this of course included the obligatory wine tasting. Club members, partners, family and friends enjoyed a lovely meal and an opportunity to catch up.     wine making process.