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Handbag Auction

Handbag Auction


  A wonderful evening supported by lovely ladies and Dave!  We took over £1000 on the evening for St Giles Hospice.  It was a fun evening but we’ll have to wait awhile before we do another one…..give our generous friends time to buy handbags that we then persuade them to donate!!

Bilston Sunday Lunch

Bilston Sunday Lunch


A lovely event where Margaret, Bob and I were with President Lesley and husband Mark.  I have been sent  a photo but despite resizing etc, can’t get it to upload to this site. -might be the content (Bob and I)   I tried the picture again and it worked!!  

Festival market

Festival market


As always, a fantastic day with ping pong balls and jamjars.  Crowds seemed to be smaller but we were as noisy as usual and tried not to let anybody past without having a go!!  The purple monkey was won early on – much to the joy of the lad who won him and the the displeasure of his Dad!!  Whats the betting it appears through some circuitous route back to us for next year????!!

Three Regions Lunch

Three Regions Lunch


Bob and I attended this convivial affair at Lea Marston Hotel and Golf Club.  It was a warm day but the room thankfully was air conditioned – indeed Dawn Perry had to ask for it to be turned down as they were so cold!!  The gentlemen kept their jackets on for the duration. Many clubs were represented and we sat with members and partners of Mansfield Club – our son lives there and we were pleased to talk about the area and our interest in Portland College in Mansfield. I told my thermos flask joke and one of the gentlemen said it was one of very few physics jokes!! Anyway, to serious matters, Federation President Elect Liz stood to give her address at around 3pm  – she recognised that on that particular day, it was not the best timing in the world.  She spoke under

Charter Event Ritzy Club!!

Charter Event Ritzy Club!!


Lichfield members were delighted with the fashion event and afternoon tea as the charter event.  We had wonderful support from the region who all enjoyed the wonderful show put on by Notty Hornblower of the Hope House Museum.  We are in double figures as a club and hope to continue into triple!!