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Mothering Sunday Gifts

Mothering Sunday Gifts


We spent another enjoyable evening with the Brownies last Thursday.  Jackie got all the supplies for the girls to make a ‘cake’ for their Mums.  The Brownies had to make sure that the flannel was properly rolled to the right size (which turned out to be the hardest part!) before adding the finishing touches.  We have built a really good relationship with them now and they look forward to the sessions we lead – I must admit we look forward to them too!!

Bring your Mum to Brownies!!

Bring your Mum to Brownies!!


As registered occasional helper to the Brownies, I was called in tonight to support the Mums who came to stay and do an activity tonight.  It was a fun session where we made friendship bracelets to be given out on Bower Day.  They are in the Brownie colours and a label lets everyone receiving one know that its the centenary year.  At the other  end of the room, the Brownies were making Mother’s Day cards to go with the gifts that Lichfield Soroptimists are going to help them make next week. A lovely evening!!

Pamper Evening

Pamper Evening


This evening, Pam Moore attended our meeting to talk about the colours that we wear and how they can be chosen to enhance our appearance.  She talked about the subtleties of shades and how an artfully draped scarf can lift the effect we achieve.  She also brought along individually dyed silk scarves and jewellery that she designs and makes herself.  Julia is the model demonstrating the colours that are right for her and one of the scarf knots that we learned. The evening was kept convivial by the wine left for us by Avril as a leaving present and the soft drinks provided by President Lesley.  Many of us are likely to follow up with an individual consultation with Pam at her colour and beauty salon.  Please comment when you think we have been and our appearance has been enhanced……!!

Dignity In Care Awareness Raising

Dignity In Care Awareness Raising


  On Saturday 27th February, President Lesley, accompanied by Wendy and Dishi were in Lichfield Library from 10am to 12 noon.  We displayed posters and booklets about the Dignity Agenda and spoke to library visitors about the need to raise awareness of the responsibility each of us has to speak up for those whose rights are compromised.  This would be in any setting in our day to day lives.  We should all sign up on the Digity website to be Dignity Champions. We distributed all of the little information cards we had and the information was very well received.  We were surprised that so few people had heard of the initiative despite Michael Parkinson being patron for it last year. So, reading this, if you have not yet registered, go to the dignity website and sign up!!

Open exec meeting

Open exec meeting


This was a busy meeting and we had one more attendee than we had chairs.  As you can see, Past Regional President Angela took the chair and President Lesley placed herself at her feet – we all know our places at Lichfield Club!! Lots of business was completed – members of Club are being asked to consider the posts that they would like to take for the coming year.  Funds raised are being considered for distribution and a programme is being planned for the coming year.  

Speaker Meeting

Speaker Meeting


Our speaker meeting last night invited 2 visitors to rperesent The Salvation Army and the co-ordinator of the local Poppy Appeal. Both gentlemen came to talk to us about the work their organisations do as we have made donations each year. Some members were unable to get to the meeting due to adverse weather conditions. President Lesley was delighted to welcome the visitors and David Newstead reiterated his offer of providing a band concert at a venue of our choice for Lichfield Soroptimist Charities. Partnership in its truest sense!

Barn Dance Report

Barn Dance Report


A wonderful night with over 90 people attending, spanning all generations. Alf Alfa, as always, were in good form and we were ably led (although we only shambolically followed) by the caller. The atmosphere was great from the start, the food was praised and the prizes were raffled. The original formula continues to work and everyone left saying they were definitely coming to the next one. Over £600 was raised for Soroptimist Charities.

Open Exec

Open Exec


A meeting that covered lots of business, too many items to mention but minutes will soon be round – without refreshments as the refreshments monitor forgot!! Nevertheless, President Lesley going home with a purple ET lookalike was a sight for sore eyes – when I can download the photo from my phone – you can all see!!

Late Christmas Presents for the Brownies!!

Late Christmas Presents for the Brownies!!


This week, very late, President Lesley, Jackie and I went to deliver gifts to the 5th St Chad’s Brownies. Due to snow conditions and my unwellness (better now!) it has taken us till now to visit the group. We hope they enjoy the gifts – they are all creft items that the girls can make and use. Our next visit is to make Mother’s Day gifts with them in March. Pictured (and not quite in focus) are President Lesley and Sylvia – Brown Owl.