Margaret Shand (25 years) & Mary Wallace (30 years) are receiving their long service certificates.Immediate Past President Lesley & President Jean with Honorary Member Perth & Kinross Provost, Liz Grant after Lesley handing over the Presidency to Jean.
Pamela Ritchie & Michelle Glencorse were inducted as new members
Nine SI Perth members were amongst 80 Soroptimists who attended the excellent & informative 2015 Joint Scottish Conference at the Huntingtower Hotel, when topics such as Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Human Trafficking & Prison Reform were addressed.
‘Avril & Jean C, alongside members from SI Dundee & SI Aberdeen ‘staffed’ the UNGIFT box on Wednesday 23rd July, in Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street – a gloriously sunny day! SI SN President-Elect Pam Cairns was our Leader and we ended the day with a joint Scotland meal (SI Scotland South were also ‘staffing another UNGIFT box, nearby.) Our role on the day was to raise awareness amongst the general public about Human Trafficking whereby people are exploited for labour, for sex, for organ harvesting, forced marriage, forced begging and domestic servitude. In addition we collected more than 500 signatures for a petition for presentation to Kenny McAskill as part of the Stop the Traffik’s petition re transparency in the supply chain. And, do you know what UNGIFT stands for? United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking.’
‘SI Dundee invited Club members from both the South & the North Regions to participate in their 19th July BIG Day of Action event, walking over (& back) the Tay Bridge. Great fun despite the rain & wind! Over £200 was collected for the Birthing in the Gambia project, the Soroptimist profile was raised and we adjourned to the Discovery Point for tea & cake! An all round success!’
“Several members of the Perth Soroptimist Club attended a Scottish-wide conference recently, at which 90 Soroptimists’ awareness was raised of the plight of women in prisons; of the need to reduce women’s imprisonment; of the plight of the families of men & women in prison and of the new Women’s Prison being built in Scotland. Although a difficult subject, we all came away having learned a lot.” Photograph: left to right SI Perth members: Lilian Murchison, Jean Campbell, Pat Carruthers and Mary Wallace.
80 Years of Service “Perth Soroptimists were delighted to celebrate with the Club’s two Honorary Life members, Pat Carruthers and Jean Macintyre who together, have given 80 years of service to the community, locally, nationally & internationally. And, as with any celebration, cake was eaten and a wee glass of wine taken!”