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Coffee, cake and conversation!

Several potential new members joined us for coffee, cake and a bit of a chat on Sunday 4 June to learn more about the new Soroptimist Club we are starting in Salisbury. Irene kindly hosted the gathering and provided a wonderful selection of her homemade

First Members Join the Salisbury Group

At an enjoyable dinner meeting in the Chapter House Hotel, three new members were inducted into the group on Monday 8 May 2017. Members of sponsoring Club SI Winchester came to join the celebrations as well as Regional President Ruth Healey, pictured at the top

Christmas delivery for Salisbury Women’s Refuge

Salisbury Soroptimists gave Santa and his elves a helping hand in Christmas week when they put together a box of goodies for Salisbury Women’s Refuge. The women, who are working to set up a new Soroptimist Club in Salisbury, have been supporting the refuge since

Coverage of our first Programme Action Project

We were pleased that our first project and first press release got a half page feature in this week’s Salisbury Journal. We hope other women in Salisbury will read it and join us to get involved!  Refuge Manager Sue tells us there’s lots more decorating

Screening of ‘He named me Malala’

  The film provides a look at the events leading up to the Taliban’s attack on Pakistani schoolgirl, Malala Yousafzai, for speaking out on girls’ education followed by the aftermath, including her speech to the United Nations. We believe that every girl deserves an education