The original SI Salisbury Club was chartered on 30 September 1978
The original Club insignia – chain and (right) the jewel. After the original Club closed the President’s Chain of Office (above) and the Vice President’s chain (below) had been in the safekeeping of Salisbury Museum.

The Club supported many local, national and international charities over its years of operation. Members of the Club together raised over £150,000 for charitable causes during their 28 years.
Their most lasting project however, has been the formation and running of the Salisbury Women’s Refuge (logo above) which, with its 24 hour staffing and wide ranging support groups, is one of the most highly rated refuges in the country. The new Salisbury Club is delighted to inherit this legacy and has already been working closely with the Refuge. See Project Page
Despite a wide recruitment programme, the Salisbury Club was unable to find sufficient new members able to give their time and service to maintain the Club. Consequently the Club closed due to declining numbers of members on 31 March 2006, at which time five founder members still belonged to the Club. Only six of the final membership were below 74 years of age and they transferred to neighbouring Soroptimist Clubs.