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ABRAcadaBRA! CeleBRAting new record!

One fine evening and some willing counters were all we needed to complete our annual bra collection. Fortunately, after several days of rain, we picked the right evening to gather in Helen's beautiful, riverside garden to celeBRAte the end of this year's collection and to

Her Salisbury Footprint Revisited

For our June meeting we planned to take advantage of the warm summer weather and long evenings to revisit Her Salisbury Footprint, the walking trail developed through Her Salisbury Story. The weather was sunny and the evening light. A group of us met in front

Cooking in Africa

Following the late cancellation of the speaker from the Nelson Trust, Julia gave a presentation about the problems of cooking in Africa. Julia lived in three different Sub-Saharan African countries for ten years and encountered the numerous problems associated with 'dirty cooking'; four out of

AGM 2023-4

Outgoing President Jenny looked back on her two years in office. She was pleased that her aim of promoting friendship during her presidency had been successful in many ways. Although the move to the new venue was prompted by financial considerations, it had the knock-on

#IWD2024 Inspiring Inclusion

Sigbi asked us to provide photos for IWD2024 in advance, to be incorporated into their video released on the day. We assembled on the steps of the Guildhall with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for a photo shoot. We had a quick coffee in the

Celebrating Women

Digital fun Our February meeting began with some digital fun. We all tried out which allows everyone in a meeting to collaborate in answering questions posed to the group or as a quiz format. We tried both! The question pops up on your phone

Oranging Salisbury

November has been a busy month for Salisbury Soroptimists! Our Quiz Night was a great success thanks to a hard-working team. Our second meeting at our new venue was a lively occasion. We had three groups doing different activities. One group worked creatively on decorations

Quiz success!

Thanks to a hard-working team we pulled off another successful quiz night and raised over £1000 for our charities. Nine teams of between 4 and 6 competed over 8 rounds of testing questions, set by our quiz team. Team scores were remarkably close but the

Archival talk

Our first meeting at our new venue we welcomed some new faces - we hope you enjoyed your evening and will come again! What is an archive? An archive is a collection of primary sources which people can refer to, be it documents, photographs or

Bluebell Award 2023 – the winner!

The inaugural Bluebell Award, instigated by Regional President Kay Linnell,  was presented on 22 October at the SIGBI Southern Area's AGM lunch at Folkington Manor, Folkington, East Sussex. All Southern Region SI clubs were invited to submit a project for the Regional PAC award. There