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Two more new members for Salisbury

At our May meeting we were delighted to welcome two more members into our very soon-to-be Club. Pictured here are Karen Long (left) and Eugenia Perkes (right) having just been welcomed into the Club by Founder President Lisa Scandling (centre). With our Charter date set

Salisbury Soroptimist Quizzers

Salisbury Soroptimists entered a team for the annual  Salisbury Rotary quiz.  They finished some way down the list of winners, but an enjoyable time was had by all, as the photo shows! Teresa Wells was helping on the organising committee so couldn’t join the team,

Three New Members Welcomed to Membership

At the first meeting in our new venue, the Red Lion in Salisbury, we were delighted to welcome several brand new people. There were 18 of us in total (a record!) and we were delighted to induct three new members, Sandra Ferguson, Jane Ebel and

Two new members for Salisbury!

We were very pleased to welcome two new members to the Salisbury Group on Monday 28 January. Our President Elect Lisa is flanked here by Jen Newman on her left and Annie Hotton on her right. Jen is a ‘brand new’ member while Annie had

Salisbury’s Latest Member!

  At our Christmas meal, we were delighted to welcome our newest member, Carole Banton. Carole has many years’ experience working with the charity Barnardos, so brings a lot of useful input, ideas and enthusiasm for our projects for women and children. Carole has already

Salisbury Soroptimists Supporting the Community

Salisbury Soroptimists got in the festive spirit to help out as marshals for the annual Salisbury Lantern Festival. Smart in our high viz jackets and with our flashy light sabres, we really enjoyed being part of the local community effort to help make the run

STEM Christmas Challenge

We all like doing quizzes at Christmas, don’t we? We thought we’d set you a STEM Christmas Challenge as part of our display at the St Thomas’ Church Christmas Tree Festival. Do come and see our tree, opening times are: Tuesday 4 December to Saturday

Charity Quiz a great success!

Our first fundraising event was a great success! The total raised was £1,160, which will give the Women’s Refuge travel fund a good start and will allow another two sewing machines to be purchased in the EdUKaid Kushona Project in Tanzania. Tickets sold out more

Coffee, cake and great conversation

We were delighted to welcome more than a dozen women to our open afternoon on Saturday 8 September at the Quakers Meeting House in Salisbury.     Meeting like-minded women living locally was the plan for the afternoon, and it was great to find we

Bras and Bubbly!

‘Bras and bubbly’ event – ‘supporting’ a worthy cause! Members and a few potential new members joined together for a  fun social occasion with a serious message, one warm evening in July. Great conversation, laughter and discussion of our on going projects was shared over