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Backpacks for schoolgirls in Malawi

We collected items to put in 20 backpacks which will be distributed by the charity Mary’s Meals.  (see

We packed our backpacks after the AGM on 25th April 2012 with pens, pencils, notebooks ruler,eraser,sharpener,pencil case,geometry set,dress,t-shirt, flip-flops,soap, towel,toothbrush and toothpaste,a ball, hand knitted small bag. spoon and other things. They will now be sent to Mary’s Meals warehouse and from there will be shipped with thousands of others to Malawi.  The schoolgirls have only a plastic bag to keep their things dry in the rainy season and have very few personal possessions.  We hope we have made a difference for 20 of such girls.

a few of the things to go into backpacks