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SIGBI Statement on women in the Ukraine

SIGBI recognises the distress of all women and girls in Ukraine.

We wish to express our sympathy and our hope that the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 will be put into play by the UN. The key provisions are:

  • Attention and specific protection needs of women and girls in conflict
  • Increased participation and representation of women at all levels of decision making
  • Gender perspective in post conflict processes
  • Gender perspective and training in UN peace support operations

The Women, Peace and Security agenda is anchored in the principle that effective incorporation of gender perspectives and women’s rights can have meaningful and positive impact on the lives of women, men, girls and boys, on the ground.

Protection, Prevention, and Participation are critical in respecting human rights and dignity and in tackling the root causes of conflict to create sustainable peace.

We urge all parties involved in Ukraine to observe these principles and swiftly work for an agreed peaceful outcome.

Donations to help can be sent to the following agencies who are working on the ground.  Please see: and

Cathy Cottridge
SIGBI President 2021-23
