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President Jane’s August newsletter


Because I wasn’t in this country for 11 days in July, my report will be somewhat short.

I did start on the 1st with an Officers Meeting where I was delighted to include Sam Lawson for the first time since her accident and subsequent surgery.

The 6th was my Planning Meeting where it became abundantly clear that my year as Yorkshire President is rapidly coming to its twilight. How is that possible?

The Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin then followed a family holiday.


The above shows most of the Yorkshire members arriving at the Gala Dinner.

Having now been home almost 24 hours, I have yet to sit quietly and really reflect on the content of the presentations.

What I can say is that I was rightfully proud of the two posters designed and displayed by our Region. Both generated interest and many questions from delegates from across the world. Thank you to all involved.

I was also proud of our very own Lindsay Green who led 2 successful workshops on the subject of ‘Life on Land.’ People left with ideas to pursue and approaches to adapt to their own circumstances. No wonder Lindsay is SIGBI Director of Programme.

Friendship links were strengthened by face-to-face meetings involving endless hugs. I can honestly say that never have I spoken to so many people from so many countries in such a short time.

Three speakers stood out for me because of what they said and how they said it. Mary Robinson (Chair of the Elders), Jim Gamble (Safeguarding) and Dr Renata Dwan (Peace and Security)

Two young winners of a public speaking competition were spectacular in their confident and articulate speech about gender equality and the impact of Covid on the mental well-being of young people. Humbling.

If you want to learn more about our experience and the lessons to be taken from the Convention come along to the Regional Council Meeting in September. Details and the booking form for this have been sent to club secretaries. The deadline for booking is Friday 17th September 2023.


PLEASE note that everyone attending will have the chance to vote for the winning Programme Action Project for our Region.

In the meantime, please keep up the good work publicising our organisation at your Orange Cafes and keep us all safe by ensuring all emails have BCC contacts. The best way to send an email is to send it to yourself first and then BCC the people you intend it to be read by.

Take care and stay safe.

Yours in friendship,
