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President’s July Newsletter


I begin this month’s newsletter with my visit to Bingley Community Kitchen. I am sure that many of you will have heard about the amazing work there, but it was a privilege to actually visit. The Kitchen now operates in partnership with Food Savers Network and Inn Churches. Volunteers include Soroptimists, Rotarians and church members. From the original “Cook and Eat “sessions it has developed into a space where clients can meet for coffee and for £5 (£1 of which is invested in a credit union to encourage saving), choose 15 different foods (from a large choice of high quality groceries) plus fruit and vegetables. In addition, the ingredients and method for the week’s chosen recipe may also be taken. The Kitchen is welcoming, akin to a shop layout and full of chatter, fellowship and hope. An inspiring model that endeavours to alleviate poverty and financial hardship.


The following day I attended the Programme Action meeting at the Bridge Inn, which saw representation from 10 of our 17 Clubs. Items discussed include the forthcoming beach clean (D Day June 6th which was most appropriate), the rise of our Orange cafes, and the safety and contact cards which I hope many of you will already have – if not please ask your PA Officer about this. There was also an explanation about this year’s Regional Programme Action Awards and the SIGBI Best Practice Award. The Regional SIGBI Conference Poster is starting to take shape and is an exciting project. Please read the full report from this excellent gathering.


Harrogate was the meeting place for SIYAMS on the 4th, and many of the Region’s Clubs were represented on this exciting forum which is open to all. Group Chair, Pat Kilbane has informed the Region about the current projects that are in progress or about to be commenced. Fingers crossed as we wait to hear if we have been successful in obtaining a Grant initiated by Tracy Brabin – West Yorkshire Mayor – for ‘helping to save a community’. Lots of hard work was put it by Julia Allen, Pat and Chris Clark in submitting this. Terri King, Comms Officer is working to keep the website up to date following all the hard work by Sue Butler to sort it out in the first place.


The RCM on the 15th at Askham Grange Prison saw representation from every Club in the Region which was so pleasing. We were honored to have Federation President Ruth Healey in attendance. The Programme Action Presentations from SI Harrogate and District about the SI Blantyre-Malawi School Library project, SI Hallamshire centering around Baby Basics, SI Halifax on the history of Programme in the club were all superb. I then asked Jane Glendinnning to speak about a recent project she and Margaret Bromley were involved with, inspired by Bradford City of Culture. It was the creation of a large art installation to raise awareness of climate change. It involved 170 people knitting large scarves in a specified colour to represent the average temperature (blues cool, reds warm) in Bradford 1853 – 2023. A very sobering visual effect.


The report from our Joint Membership and Development Officers Avis Ball and Judith Parsons was actually upbeat despite our numbers have contracted recently. Avis reported on the results of the questionnaire which had been circulated at the March RCM. The first question had been – what is your Club doing to ensure it will still be active and growing in 2034? The 10 year period was selected because the membership in Yorkshire has fallen by a third in the last 10 years. The responses have been received and collated – 6 page document circulated. Thanks to Avis and Judith for the hours of work put into this document. Points arising include that it is important to support and encourage all members, be inclusive, have fun and friendship. Projects should be interesting. Members should socialise with other Clubs in the Region. More publicity is wanted – on all levels – local, regional and national. Some of our websites are poor and some have not been updated since 2014. Partnership working is also important. One aim is to re -establish Clubs in York, Hull and Doncaster.

The officers Proposed a visual statement in the centre of York involving 80 members dressed in orange plus 10 others to distribute leaflets. This will certainly make an impression. Chris C and Jane G looked resplendent in their orange wigs to add visual gravitas to the presentation! Please will as many people as possible sign up to this?


The morning was brought to a conclusion by our speaker- Erica Amende. Erica is a member of Spen Valley Civic Society, a small voluntary organisation that works to improve the environment in their heavily built-up area, and to celebrate local heritage. Erica talked about one ongoing community project – The Jo Cox Community Wood -which arose from the senseless murder of their MP Jo Cox in 2016. After a fabulous lunch, SIGBI Federation Ruth addressed your concerns about the modernization proposals and filled us in with more details about Conference in Edinburgh. I was delighted to present her with a photo book which chronicles her weeklong stay in April. My thanks to Pat Thornes who collated all the photos from the Region and especially to Lindsay Green who I know spent many hours creating this wonderful keepsake.



I then squeezed in a regional curry night at the Award winning Prashad in Dridlington – this was literal as 17 of us attended from 7 clubs (which was super) but space was at a premium! An excellent evening was had by all and several had to brave a thunderstorm to get there.


On the 20th, Linda Davis accompanied me to visit S I Richmond and District. The meeting was held at the Richmondshire Museum as the evening was to commemorate the 50th anniversary since it’s inception. Three soroptimists were at the core of its creation: Dr Sheila Harrisson, Shirley Dick and and Shirley Thurbron – the latter is still a Soroptimist and volunteer. We were then able to have a look around the museum which is a celebration of all things local- a maze of amazing small galleries and it even houses the surgery TV set from the original All Creatures Great and Small series. A real gem and I recommend that you pay a visit. The evening was completed with a celebration drink and cake (see the photo below!).


S I Dewsbury and District’s Charter Lunch was a delicious affair at Heald’s Hall. The weather was glorious and I believe that nine clubs were in attendance. It was a privilege for me to be asked to hand out the Long Service Awards and flowers to club member Hilda Wood who will next month celebrate her 100th birthday. An amazing lady. On behalf of the Region we hope that she has a wonderful day.


The following day I had a zoom with Federation President Ruth and other Regional Presidents. The same message radiates from everyone re membership. I do hope that our recent membership survey, so brilliantly collated by Avis and Judith, has identified the foundations on which we can build. I do however feel that we also have an advantage in being a Geographical region and I know that we have a real camaraderie and an emotional connection that is absent in other areas. There are exciting happenings with the newly appointed marketing agency and they are developing several areas including our internal messaging systems. Look out for more news from Ruth Healey in her future blogs.


I was disappointed not to be able to attend S I Bingley’s open evening when member Susan Mendoza spoke about her experience at CSW 68 in New York last March, but I understand that it was a fascinating talk.


Well June has been a very busy month and I hope that you have enjoyed reading about the events that I have attended. I have now managed to visit every club at least once which has made me happy!