President Bobbie White welcomed Toilet Twinning charity CEO, Lorraine Kingsley, to the February meeting.
Lorraine gave an informative talk about the work of the charity which aims to educate people in poverty throughout the world on the benefits of owning their own toilet. Benefits of the project include educating individual families and their communities in personal hygiene and general health; it also means that women and girls are safer from the risk of assault. 2.4billion people in the world do not have toilets in their homes today.
The charity encourages organisations and individuals to sponsor a toilet, the materials costing £60 for a household or £240 for a school toilet block; the latter is particularly beneficial to teenage girls who are enabled to attend school due to ensured safety and during menstruation. It was with great pleasure that President Bobbie was able to present a cheque to cover sponsorship of a toilet.